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"Recollecting myself" just ended up with me roaming the halls and making faces at classes through their class doors. It's not like I was genuinely pained by what Michael said. Yeah, it hurt a little, well, it hurt a lot, but I took it well. If someone else had said something, I probably would've socked them right in the face. I can be violent like that.

Nah....I'm too soft for that.

Lunch had half an hour until ending so I made my way back to the cafeteria. Standing by the doorway, I watched to see where Luke was. He was still with Ashton laughing and having a good time. Wasn't he supposed to be looking for me? Whatever. I'd probably stay with my crush too if I had the chance.

For some reason, Michael wasn't at the table. In fact, he wasn't in the cafeteria at all. I pouted slightly, wondering why he wasn't there. Did Ashton make him leave? Did Luke? I doubt Luke would've said anything. He's too much of a bitch to be tough.

AN: idk if you've noticed but I really like to call the boys little bitches in this story...eh

I decided to roam the halls again just because I wanted to. It was a total coincidence when I saw Michael standing at his locker putting some books away. I ran up to him and shut the locker close, making Michael yelp in surprise.

"What the fuck? My fingers could've been cut off!" Michael glared at me with anger, but I didn't care.

"Why did you decide to insult me yesterday?" I asked, obviously leaning a bit too close for his liking. Michael leaned back little by little and his head ended up hitting the lockers. He gasped in pain. I probably would too. That sounded like it hurt.

"What do you mean? I did it because I hate you," Michael swallowed nervously.

"There was no reason for you to say anything to me. I didn't do anything to you." My breath was literally touching his face. Michael looked extremely uncomfortable. I just wanted answers.

"I-I don't know. Isn't that what people do to the people they hate?" Michael stammered.

I chuckled. "That would be bullying. I don't like that you're bullying me."

Michael began to shake slightly. I raised an eyebrow, but leaned back enough for him to be slightly satisfied. "Oh thank god. Your breath is killer."

"Don't change the subject. I just wanna know why you're always so fucking rude to me," I muttered, getting annoyed. "I didn't do anything to you. I don't deserve your shit!"

"You think I give a fuck about what you deserve? You're fucking popular just because of your footie skills. You're actually ass. You know that right?"

I frowned, getting angrier by the second. "Shut the fuck up, Clifford."

Michael scoffed. "Oh, is that how we're gonna go, Hood? Last names? Very cool. Almost like in all the high school movies-"

"I said shut up!" I screamed. Michael became quiet, and he immediately closed his eyes. I continued to scream.

"I don't know what I did to you for you to continue making fun of me. Yeah, I'm popular. Do you think that I wanted it that way? It just fucking happened. You don't know shit-"

"I don't know shit?" Michael yelled back ten times louder, making me take a step back. "You think being popular is troubling? You don't have a fucking clue about my fucking life!" Michael began stepping towards me, making me step back. Soon, it was me against the lockers and him sort of cornering me.

"You don't know what the hell I've been through in life to even try to fucking survive this hell hole! You don't know what I've been through to survive in general! Stop acting like you're the victim here. You've done shit without even realizing it! All the populars always beat up on the losers, including you. I've heard you talk plenty about me, all bad things. You don't know the shit I've gone through, and you continue to fucking ask about me and my preferences. I don't fucking liked to be touched. It's none of your fucking business to know why. It's no one's fucking business! So stop fucking bugging me about it and stay the hell away from Ashton and I. You're gonna hurt us or use something against us. I'm not stupid."

With that, Michael ran off down the hall. I called out to him multiple times, trying to get him to come back, but by the time I actually began to run after him, he was already beyond the corner.

Damn he runs fast.

After giving up on trying to look for Michael, I sighed and began to head back to the cafeteria.


"I wanna find out what's wrong with him."

"There's nothing wrong with people wanting space. Stop being so weird."

"You're telling that to the wrong guy."

Luke gasped, putting a hand on his heart. "Calum! Stop being so rude to Michael. He hasn't done anything."

I chuckled. "I wasn't talking about Michael."

Luke punched my arm (very weakly) causing me to burst out laughing. School had ended around an hour ago and we were sitting on my bed in my room "studying" (gossiping with unused books in front of us).

"Fuck you," Luke muttered. "Anyways, why do you wanna know so much about Michael? Didn't he ruin your life for that one period of time?"

"He didn't ruin my life. I just got teased for a week because of him apparently stepping up to me. Which is complete and utter bullshit."

"Then why do you care so much about him, Calum?"

I shrugged. "Just curious."

Luke coughed. "Lies."

"What was that?"

"Nothing," Luke smiled innocently, sitting cross cross and hugging my huge Stitch Tsum Taum that was sitting in his lap. He was in love with that thing. "But seriously, you need to stop worrying about him. It's his life. He has his personal preferences. If he doesn't like being touched, then he doesn't like being touched. Fuck off with it."

"Isn't that a fear? Is he afraid of being touched?" I asked, completely ignoring Luke.

Luke rolled his eyes and shook his head as I opened up my laptop. "You're getting yourself into business that isn't yours, you nosy bitch."

"Haha kill yourself," I grinned, typing in 'fear of being touched' on the Google search bar. I don't mess with that Bing shit.

Luke put a finger to his neck and made a slicing movement, fake sputtering and gasping as he fell limp onto the bed. I rolled my eyes at him and clicked search.

"Caluuuum stop being a nosy biiiitch," Luke dragged out his words.

"Haphephobia. That's what it's called. He has a phobia called Haphephobia. The fear of being touched."

"I don't think he has a phobia and even if he does it's really none of your busi-"

I put my finger to Luke's lips, making him shut up instantly. I then stared off into the distance like I was in a dramatic scene in a movie, ignoring the fact that Luke was now licking my finger and sucking on it a little.


I love this story already oml life is good ya know.

Haphephobia. I had to take time out of my day to look it up lol you're welcome I'm being smartsicles.

I have a large Tsum Tsum called Stitch that I cuddle with at night if I'm alone. It's cuties.

Luke and Calum are both bitches lol

How do you feel about Michael bursting like that? Emotional? I think yes.

Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this.

*NOT EDITED because I'm a rebel*

Love you guys

ALSO: there's a new cover! It was created by merplikeapig and it's reallly good and I love her covers. She also made my cover for my other fanfic Anatomy (you should check that one out). So go over to her account and if ya wanna request some covers there's a story made called Book Covers. Or PM her. She's really good at what she does. So yeah, go check her out

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