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IMPORTANT AUTHOR'S NOTE BELOW PLEASE READ IT (please I will appreciate it 100%)

Third person POV

Calum walked into the school with a frown on his face. He was wearing a black oversized hoodie and his hair was sticking up everywhere. Yes, he did hate this hoodie, but it's better than everyone noticing the huge ass bandage on your arm and asking a billion questions they shouldn't be asking right? Right.

Unlike last week of school, no one decided to stare Calum down. He was very grateful for that, and decided to hide in the sea of students in the hallways.

Today, Calum was quiet. Instead of this obnoxious laughs or crude jokes being thrown at random times, he didn't say a word. You would think he's dead or something. Calum made his way through the day of school, frowning when all his friends, well, old friends, ignored him once again. He thought that Michael would show a little bit of emotion, but whenever Calum smiled at him, he turned away as if no one was there. Did it hurt Calum? Definitely.

But he deserves it.

As everyone made their way to their lockers since lunch was about to begin, Luke noticed Calum walking to his locker with his head down. He knew something was wrong just by looking at his attire. He always knew when something was wrong with Calum.

Luke looked over at Michael, who was staring ahead of him absentmindedly. "Hey, Michael?"

"Michael's head whipped around. "Yeah?"

"Have you talked to Calum recently?"

Michael's smile faltered, and Ashton (who was next to him) noticeably stiffened. "Um, yeah. we cleared up a couple things, but I'm still mad at him. Just not as much. Why?"

Luke furrowed his eyebrows. "He's wearing a hoodie. I know you don't think that there's anything wrong with that, but he hates hoodies. He hates anything sweater related in general. Calum's claustrophobic. He can't really handle wearing anything too heavy unless he's forced to. That hoodie is really thick. He's probably dying in there. I don't know why he doesn't just take it off or something."

Luke noticed Ashton frown slightly. "Something wrong babe?" He put his arm around the shorter boy.

Ashton looked to the lockers to see that Calum disappeared. "N-nothing. D-do you kn-know where C-C-Cal g-goes t-t-to ch-ch-chill at sch-school?" Ashton spoke up.

Luke frowned in confusion. "I don't know. The music room I think. Down in the basement? Where we....you know, made out," Luke smirked as Ashton blushed at the memory. He soon regains focus, kisses Luke on the cheek, and began to sprint down to the music room, leaving a confused Michael and Luke behind.

"What's up with him?" Michael asked as they made their way to the lunch room.

Luke shrugged. "I don't know. I guess he needs to talk to Calum or something."

The two made their way to lunch and grabbed their food, sitting down and taking a bite out of the tolerable edibles.

"So......what do you think about Calum?" Luke suddenly asks.

"I hate him." Michael replied in a simple manner.

Luke laughed. "I mean before this whole....incident."

"Well, I liked him, I guess. He was really sweet and nice instead of being the worthless fuckboy I thought he was gonna be."

"Do you think you like-like him?" Luke asks out of nowhere, leaving Michael to choke on his potato salad.

"Um....I don't know."

"Come on, dude. I won't tell him unless I think it's the right time. It's not like I talk to him right now anyways."

Michael let out a depressing sigh. "Honestly, I think I do like him. You know, like-like him. It's surprising, right? In the beginning I hated his guts. Now I'm all soft around him and he just makes me feel weird. But it's in a good way. Like, I know he's always gonna be there for me and stuff. He's always there when I'm acting crazy or breaking down or something. He wouldn't ever leave me behind. And he's a good person. He may try to cover it up, but he's good. He shows me a light to life. He makes me happy."

"Wow, you really do like him. You might even love him in my opinion," Luke muttered, kind of amazed.

"I don't want to like him like that."


"He also makes me sad. That thing that he pulled? It hurt me. How do I know that he isn't gonna hurt me again?"

"Michael, Calum's just....clumsy. He was too worried about his status at the school. But I think he really likes you. He'd do anything for you. Do you know how many times he'd reject me to go and hang out with you? In my opinion, you should just wait until he asks you out. Your feelings in that moment will truly show that you either like or don't like him. And if he never asks....well.....I don't know."

"That's the worst piece of advice I've ever heard in my life," Michael snorted, which caused the both of them to burst out laughing. "Calum's as straight as the footie boys. He wouldn't."

"I'm not so sure about that, Mikey. He always talks about how much he appreciates you and shit. He never talked like that about me. Well, I already knew, but I think he is gay but doesn't wanna accept it. He likes you. Trust me. I know for a fact that he is head over heels for you."

Michael pondered a bit, wondering if there was a chance that Michael actually liked him. It might be small, but he believes that it's there. Even if he did like Michael, Michael didn't know if he would actually consider dating him. He knew that Calum could be wreckless sometimes. He just doesn't know if he could totally handle it or not.

Maybe he would, just for Calum. 

K I lied this note isn't important but I would LOVE LOVE LOOOVE it if you guys read all of it :)

Oh look at me still going strong and keeping these schedules in tact. Ya thought I  would let you down, but in reality I'm doing just fine with this 7-8 day thing. Be proud because I didn't think I could do it.

I see Twenty One Pilots today. Am I super excited? Of course. I'm soooooo so so so so excited and every time I think about it I have breathing problems. Literally. I stop breathing for a moment and slowly die.

It's amazing. 

I hope you guys are having a good 2017 so far. I sure am, which is surprising because my life usually sucks. I guess it's a new year new life or something. Idk


You know what Ima start doing shoutouts every chapter. Yup. Because I love you all.

SHOUTOUT OF THE DAY: @/pasteldannyboy because I read your comments (and you comment quite a lot which I 100% love thank you so much) and you comment on every chapter and it seems as if you really enjoy my story. So thanks for reading babes I love you lots!! xxx

Alrightly it's one in the morning and my concert's in 16 hours and I need to be up in like 8 hours because I need to start getting ready since I'm driving all the way to Connecticut from Jersey sooo yeah it's a long drive.

If you want to follow me on Twitter and DM me just to talk I'm totally open I love making new friends.

TWITTER: somewhatmani

Also if you wanna watch the TOP concert with me bc I'll be posting on Snapchat quite a bit, you can add me there I'll add you back and we can totally start a streak if you'd like I love streaks so much.

SNAPCHAT: imani.durann

Okay I'm gonna work on some other stuff on wattpad ;) so yes ill see you later love you all lots byeeee


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