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Alrighty pumpkins so I took an entire relaxation day and actually read some fanfiction instead of trying to write because you know relaxation day whoop whoop yeet whip and that thankfully worked and I got comments on my notes saying stuff like "take all the time you need" and another said they're always there to talk to me and honestly I appreciate that so much like you don't understand I love you guys waaaayyu too much you guys are so nice to be I almost teared up. Thank you so so so much for your support and all that

Mkay this is a pretty short chapter but bare with me it's like a filler but also the start of something interesting that's gonna happen. This story is finally getting on a role ;)

Also can I just say how much all the characters have changed throughout the book (except Luke like Luke will always be the adorable pansexual panda he is ok don't fight me on this)


"Ashton, no." Calum stood there reluctantly as Ashton tried to drag him out of the music room.

"P-please! I-it's gonna be a g-good t-thing," Ashton whined, confused as to why Calum hasn't moved a centimeter despite his great effort to pull him out of the music room and back upstairs.

"They don't wanna see me right now, and it'll be so awkward. It's a bad idea," Calum grumbled.

"T-they don't h-h-hate you!"

After moments of silent struggles, Calum sighed and finally agreed to go upstairs to the lunchroom for the remainder of the period. Ashton cheered with glee and they both made their way up the stairs.

Luke and Michael were both very confused when they saw Calum sit at their lunch table.

I thought he was gonna stay clear of us, Michael thought.

Great, I get to eat two plates of food again, Luke thought with a smile.

Calum stared at him with a small smile, and that's when Luke realized he had muttered his thoughts out loud.

"Uh, hi guys," Calum waved shyly.

Michael was silent, but Luke began to talk straight away.

"What's with the sweater, dude?" Luke asks, curious. Calum immediately turns to Ashton, who squeezes his hand underneath the table. Luke suddenly noticed that Ashton wasn't sitting next to him, but next to Calum instead.

"I-I got cold this morning," Calum stammered.

"It's like, over 70, bro," Luke cocked an eyebrow, knowing that Calum was lying.

"I'm sick. Sick people are cold when it's hot," Calum shrugged, coughing into the palm of his hand to try and make it seem real.

Luke shrugged. "Whatever."

There was a huge awakes silence after that. Luke shoveled into his school food, Ashton nervously tapped his foot on the ground while tapping his acrylic nails on the table, Calum stared at his shaking hands, and Michael was just staring at Calum. Of course Calum didn't notice, though. He was too busy in his own little world of self regret to notice the confused boy staring at him. Michael noticed that Calum looked exhausted, and his cheeks were tear stained. He noticed how Calum would subconsciously pull the sleeves of his sweater up to his fingertips and frown whenever he'd done so. Michael saw how dull his usually bright eyes looked, like they were lifeless. Calum looked depressed, and Michael didn't like it one bit.

"So you forgave him already? I thought you'd be smart enough to stay away from the heartbreaker," a sudden squeaky voice interrupted Michael's thoughts. He looked up to see none other than the girl who exposed the video.

"What do you want, Diana?" Calum spoke up, sounding immediately angry.

"Shut up, loser. We all know what you said was a little act. You're a freak just like the rest of them. Why're you still here?"

"Because he wants to be. Shouldn't you be with your little challenged cheerleader girls? Do they even know how to read?" Michael spoke up, making Diana scoff.

"My cheerleader girls are obviously smarter than you. Hood's only gonna hurt you more. I hope you know that."

"I'm not gonna hurt him more. Just shut up and go back to your own fucking group of friends!" Calum spoke up, speaking in a slightly louder tone. "I'm done with your shit. Leave Michael and I alone. And leave the rest of my friends alone. Get a life."

Diana suddenly started laughing. "Why're you getting so defensive? You literally said you hated Michael."

"I lied. I actually like him very much, so piss off, won't you?" Calum muttered.

"What, do you have a little crush on him or something?" Diana squinted her eyes and smirked.

Because Calum didn't say anything.

He didn't deny it in any way. All he did was glance at Michael sadly.

"You like Michael," Diana cackled. "Oh, this is grand."

"Can you just shut the fuck up and mind your own goddamn business? How many times do we have to say it?" Luke spoke up.

"Calum Hood, I think you just confirmed that your gay," Diana completely ignored Luke and directly stared into Calum's eyes, seeing the tears welling up in them. "A big ol' faggot."

That set Calum off. Calum wiped the tears threatening to spill away and got up from his table, slightly pushing Diana away and running out of the lunchroom.

Because that's all Calum knows what to do apparently.


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