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The moment Nash poked Michael's arm, all hell broke loose.

Michael let out a cry as the tears began to fall down his face. Nash didn't even poke him gently. Even I would've winced if I were poked that hard. Taylor, Nash, and that other kid all began to poke Michael's body harshly. They were laughing at him while Michael was sobbing nd trying to sink further back into the lockers. They were in his personal space. I was watching for a minute until I realized one thing.

They were hurting Michael.

I don't know if that was the thought that triggered my actions, but I sure as hell didn't want to see Michael hurt for some reason. It just got me...angry. I narrowed my eyes and began to walk towards the idiots and Michael. Michael was still crying, and they were still harassing him. I started by pulling off Nash. Somehow, Nash literally flew off of Michael. The three remaining boys (including Michael) looked at me with confused faces. Even Nash turned to me confused. I winced, waiting for him to punch me, but I didn't feel anything. I peeled my eyes open to see that Nash was still staring at me.

"Bro....what was that for?" Nash asked.

"I told you guys to get away from him. And you didn't listen. Don't make me beat your asses," I growled.

No one noticed that I was shaking in fear and that my voice cracked a little.

"Come on, Calum. We don't want to fight you. You're popular. Populars don't fight populars," Taylor shrugged.

"I'll fight you if I have to. Michael's my friend," I glanced over to the boy who was still crying, wondering why the fuck I was standing up for him. I've never fought before in my life. I was practically giving my ass out for a beating.

Ha, kinky.

"Okay. Let's fight then," Nash smirked.

"You're making a big mistake, Asian boy."

"Shut up, Carson," I hissed. "Square up bitch."

Nash came at me first. He swung his fist and I let out a squeal of fear and ducked, barely dodging the punch. I brought my head back up to stare at Nash, but he was already swinging at me again. This time, though, I guess my instincts were intact because I ended up catching his fist in my hand like some Matrix shit. Or those action movies.

"Holy shit," I muttered, smirking. I twisted his fist causing his arm to twist. Nash fell on his knees and let out a cry of agony, causing me to let go of his hand and begin to sputter out apologies.

"Oh shit I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you that bad or anything. I just thought that if I did something cool you-" I stopped what I was saying when Michael glared at me. "I mean, no! Fuck you! Asshole! I meant to do that. Burn, bitch!" Then, I pounced on Nash.

I have no idea where I got this strength and agility from, but I was literally beating Nash's ass. I pushed Nash to the ground and straddled him, throwing  punches every second. Of course, he dodged almost every single one of them, but I got some good ones in. What was funny was that his friends were just standing there watching. Michael was still crying, but only slightly. His friends weren't doing anything, but Michael was still obviously uncomfortable. I then decided to try some weird ass move. I karate chopped Nash' throat, causing him to choke a little and then pass out.

"Holy fucking shit! I just knocked this guy out!" I screamed, laughing like a maniac. I turned to the other two,  who genuinely looked scared. "Yeah, fuck with me! And I am NOT Asian, bitch!"

I smiled when I saw Michael begin to giggle through his tears. Man, he really was adorable. Honestly, and I'm not even being gay here, but I'd much rather see him smile and giggle instead of him crying. He looked better when he was laughing.

Taylor and Cameron (ha, got it right this time I think) cautiously walked up to Nash and picked him up by his arms, starting to drag him down the hall. "We don't want anymore trouble," Cameron said, his voice shaking slightly.

"Yeah, the fuck you don't!" I yelled.

"Just know that you're making the biggest social mistake ever. You're gonna drop on the chain," Taylor hissed.

"What chain?" I ask. There's a chain? I want to investigate further, but they're already turning the corner.

I turn to look at Michael, who was now sitting on the floor against the lockers. He's not shaking anymore, but he's not looking at me. He's looking at the floor trying to catch his breath. I take a step towards him, causing his head to shoot up. His wide eyes were staring into mine, a,d he was still hyperventilating. I brought my hand out and smiled.

"Hey, it's okay now. The bullies are gone..." I trail off and frown when Michael just stares at my hand. He looks....afraid. Why is he afraid of me? I literally just stopped him from getting his ass beat. I  brought my hand down further and deepened my frown when he actually flinched. Michael got up on his own and brushed off his jeans.

"Thanks for the help, but this doesn't mean that we're friends," Michael said, causing my hand to drop back to my side.

"Bitch, what?" I ask, hoping that he didn't say what he just said. I walk towards him a little more, but still keeping clear of his personal bubble. Michael backs away.

"Give me some space, Calum."

That caused me to blow up.

"Give you space? Fucking hell, Michael. I've been giving you space ever since we met. I've never purposely touched you in my entire life! I've only touched you when I gave you that pencil, and I was barely touching you at all. Get off your fucking high horse. I just saved you from getting your ass beat from those three guys who are twice your size. You would've been fucked up if I hadn't helped you. Is there something mentally wrong with you or something? I genuinely want to know. Did something happen?"

I was panting now, genuinely upset. I frowned when I saw Michael's eyes begin to water. He shakes his head at me and ran down the hall, leaving me deserted in the middle of the hallway. I yelled out in frustration and punched a locker only to yell out in pain after that.

What was wrong with Michael?

Hi I finished this chapter on Sunday but I'm not updating on Sunday because I literally updated yesterday or the day before yesterday or something and yeah.

I'll probably post this on Friday or something because I like making you guys wait I'm mean lol. (UPDATE: I ended up updating 4 days after the last update because I'm extremely nice this is future me hola nice to meet ya thanks for readin)

I'm  pringle now. My heart burns :,)

But yeah writing is fun amirte yes I am

It helps too.

Okay I hope you enjoyed this chapter It's shorter than the last one but It's over 1k so fuck with me lol

Okay guys ily I'm gonna work on the next chapter now thanks for reading


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