T̶W̶E̶N̶T̶Y̶ T̶H̶R̶E̶E̶

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Calum and Michael decided to go back to Luke and Ashton and watch movies for the rest of the day. Skipping school might've not been the best idea, but at this point, no one really cared much. Ashton was cuddled up into Luke in a pile of blankets on the floor, and Michael and Calum were sitting next to each other on the couch. Calum's hand was touching Michael's and Michael's nerves were all over the place. Half of him wanted to scream out and break down, but the other half craved more from Calum. He knew it was safer to just keep his distance, so he just tried to focus on the movie.

"I'm bored now. I thought this was going to be fun, but I've seen this movie four times already," Luke announced, turning to look at Calum and Michael.

"The fuck do you want me to do about it? You're the one that suggested it. I literally have nothing else to do in my house," Calum laughed when Luke slapped his knee.

"W-well, why're we still i-in your house t-then?" Ashton asked, holding onto Luke's hand. "Let's g-go somewhere."

"Like where? I'm broke as hell," Calum chuckled through the pain.

Michael looked up from his phone, which he had been on for the past couple of minutes. "We can go to a park or something."

Calum rolled his eyes. "And what would we do there, love bug?" Michael immediately looked away, because he knew that made him blush. "My ass doesn't even fit in the swing set."

Luke smirked at how Calum and Michael were basically touching, and put his mouth to a fist. He brought it up to his cheek and moved it inward, making the dick sucking motion with his tongue. Calum caught on and slapped Luke upside his head, ignoring how heated his cheeks suddenly became.

"Why don't we just jam out to some music or something, Calum, you have my guitar upstairs, right?" Luke smiled, pretending he hadn't done anything sinful at all a minute ago.

"Y-you play guitar?" Ashton looked up at his boyfriend, who smiled and kissed his forehead. Ashton literally melted.

"Yes I do. I guess I never had the thought to tell you. It's been a while." Luke looked back to Calum. What do you say? Let's show our boys how talented we are.

Calum ignored the "our boys" comment and shook his head. "I suck ass."

"We know that. That isn't what I asked," Luke smiled. Calum groaned. Luke had all types of jokes today.

"I'd like to hear you guys," Michael spoke up, making Calum groan even louder.

"How about I start us off? I'll do one of my own little things and then you could do yours," Luke suggested. Calum agreed.

"Fine, but could we go into my room or something? I've been down here too long."

The boys got up and made their way to Calum's room, which Calum decided to quickly clean as he was fixing himself up. Luke sat on the bed with his guitar he grabbed from the closet. Ashton plopped himself right next to his loving boyfriend, and Michael put himself in the computer chair while Calum sat criss-cross on the floor.

"Okay, ladies and gentlemen, I've been working on this cover for a while now. It's a song by one of the most beautiful people I've ever discovered, and this song is one of the oldies from him." Luke began strumming the guitar, and Calum grinned as he heard him play Lego House.

Luke first got his guitar when he was only eight, and he's been playing ever since. As soon as he got it, he decided to teach himself. Calum had always wanted to learn, but he gave up every time he couldn't get a chord right. It frustrated him, and he finally decided that guitar wasn't his thing. However, Luke never gave up on Calum, and had him learn just a few things. Calum remembered Luke being only fourteen when he first played Lego House for Calum, and looking at him now, with his voice much more developed, Calum grinned and excitedly waited to hear Luke's voice that soothed him when he was stressed.

Luke's voice filled the room, making almost everyone there swoon. Ashton began to tear up at how beautiful his boyfriend sounded. Calum leaned against the wall, eyes closed as he had his full attention on his best friend. Michael's eyes widened when he realized just how talented Luke was. Throughout the song, Michael swore he could've saw Ashton fall in love a little more with Luke; and he didn't blame him. Michael would have a crush on the guy too if Calum didn't exist.

The last strum of the song was played and Luke sighed. "Damn. I'll never not get emotional while singing that." He furrowed his eyebrows when he realized everyone was completely silent, and gasped when Ashton had tears steaming down his face. "Was I that bad?"

"I love you," Ashton said in a very clear voice, making Luke grin from ear to ear. He wrapped his arms around Ashton and placed a loving kiss on his lips, making Calum and Michael gag.

"I love you too, Ashy," Luke whispered, making Calum put two fingers to his head and make a shooting motion, only to fall "lifeless" to the ground.

"Same," Michael laughed.

After the little Lashton moment, Luke smirked at Calum. "Now it's your turn, since you wanna make fun of my relationship."

Calum laughed. "Yeah, sure. I don't even know how to play guitar, dumbass."

"Yes you do. You know one song. That one song." Calum stayed silent, and realization was shown on his face when he realized that Luke was talking about one of his favorite songs.

"Bro, no. I suck ass," Calum rolled his eyes when Luke shoved the guitar into his hands.

"You're doing it because I had to."

"That's not fair! You like doing it," Calum scoffed.

"You like doing it too. Stop being a little bitch. Go."

Calum sighed, and almost freaked out when he saw everyone staring at him like he had six heads. When he realized that no one was going to let him get out of this, he positioned the guitar and began to strum. Luke stared proudly, and Calum began to sing, his voice clear and soft.

"It's all about you....it's all about you baby. It's all about you. It's all about you baby."

I didn't plan to stop it at this point but like I'll just continue it next chapter I like ending the chapters with emotional throwback shit.

Okay so idk if you saw me post on my conversations/activity shit, but I posted a message on my profile stating why I haven't updated in so long. Basically I was dating this girl and she played me and now I'm butt hurt and I was really emotional, but I'm good now I'm no bITCH.

Jk I'm sensitive.

But I love love LOOOVE the comments I've been getting, it makes me happy that you guys get so impacted by the story. The last day of school is tomorrow so let there be hella chapters for the summer ayyeeee I can't believe I'm graduating this is wild.

I love you guyssss and follow my spam acc if you want. It has a picture of Luke as the profile pic. It's on private rn, but I'll accept ya. And DM me maybe we could be friends ayeeee :)


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