Chapter 2

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Okay I'm just gonna skip the one month to where she moves bc yeah why not
*One month later*

Today is the day we move to North Carolina! I'm so excited to see our new house. Mommy says it's really big and we even have a pool! I'm gonna miss my best friends though. Mommy tells me that I'm gonna make new friends there but I don't think they are gonna be as good as Izzy and Val. Right now I am packing to leave. After I packed all my clothes and everything I packed all my toys. I put my barbie dolls in last because we are taking a plane and I'm gonna get bored so I'll play with them. I've never been on a plane before. I'm kinda scared but excited at the same time. We're gonna be so high up in the sky! After I finished packing it is time to leave. I asked mommy if I could see Izzy and Val one last time. She allowed me so I ran over to Val's house since Izzy was already there. They came out and we all got into a big group hug. "I'm gonna miss you guys" I tell them. By now, we are all crying. "We're gonna miss you more" they both say at the same time. "We have gifts for you since you're leaving" Izzy said while crying. We wiped our eyes and Izzy ran inside. She came back out with 2 presents and handed one to Val. Izzy handed me my first present. I looked at her with a smile and unwrapped it. When I saw what it was my eyes grew big. "Izzy I can't believe it thank you so much!" I said. It was a picture collage of us when we went places together. "My mom helped us with it but it was our idea" she said with a small smile. I hugged her and started crying again. "Okay my turn" Val said. I took her present and opened it. It was a big bear and it was holding a card. I opened the card and read it. It was really long so I'm not gonna say what it said. It was basically just talking about our memories and how much they are gonna miss me. "Look at the back of the bear" Izzy said. I turned it around and saw a zipper. I unzipped it and inside was a box of chocolate. They know how much I love chocolate. "Thank you guys so much! I'm sorry I didn't get you guys I present. I love you guys!!" I said and we got into a group hug again. "It's okay Tori we love you so much and we're gonna miss you" Val said. "Yes so much" Izzy said. "Tori it's time to leave!" my mom called. I turned around and she was across the street standing by the car. I looked back at Izzy and Val and we all started crying more. We hugged one more time and I said "Bye I love you guys so much and I'll never forget about you" They nodded and I started walking away. "BYE TORI WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH" they yelled. I looked back and waved and got in the car. "You ready to go?" My mommy asked. I looked at my house and then back at my best friends. They looked at me and grabbed each other's hands. "Yeah... I guess" and let a couple tears out. "It's gonna be okay sweetie" my mommy said to make me feel better. She started the car and we drove away. I never took my eyes off my best friends as they kept hugging each other and waving and crying at the same time. We turned around a corner and we were gone.

*skip car ride*

"We're here!" My mommy said. I didn't remember falling asleep during the ride but I guess I did. I looked out the window and saw the airport. I watched a plane take off into the sky. That's gonna be me soon! I jumped out of the car and helped carry things. It was a 5 minute walk from our car to the airport. We walked in and it was really crowded. I grabbed my mommy's hand and followed her. After we finally got to our terminal we waited for our plane. We just looked around at everything while waiting. Once our plane finally got here we took our seat. I took out my barbie dolls before putting my book bag away. Once our plane started moving I looked out the window. It took about 5 minutes before we actually took off. "Are you excited?" My mommy asked. "Yes!" I said. We took off and I watched as we got further away from the ground. Wow we were really far. Once we got all the way up I played with my Barbie dolls again. The people brought us drinks and a snack. The plane ride would be about an hour and a half so I fell asleep.

"Tori wake up!" I woke up and we were landed. I jumped out of the seat and looked out the window. Wow it's so pretty here. We waited to get off and we were in another airport. After we got our luggage and everything we went outside. "Okay we have to go pick our new car up since I gave your grandparents our old one. I'll call an uber" my mommy told me. We waited for the uber to get us and take us to the car shop. My mommy and the uber driver talked the whole time and I just thought about our new house and how much I already missed my best friends. Maybe I'll find another best friend. They won't be as good as Izzy and Val though. No one could replace them. "Alright we are here" the uber said. That was faster than I thought. We got out and my mommy payed our driver. We found our car and went to our new house. I was asking my mommy questions the whole time. "Tori just wait we're almost there" she said. I just looked out the window the rest of the ride. "Here it is!" I looked and saw the most beautiful house I have ever seen! It was so much bigger and prettier than our old house! I looked around and there were a lot of other big houses but I didn't see any kids. Then I saw a boy about my age across the street. He was playing basketball in his driveway. He had dirty blonde hair and looked a little taller than me. "Maybe you guys can be friends" my mommy said. I looked at her and then back at him. "But he's not Izzy and Val" I said and grabbed my bags. I looked away and walked inside. It was even prettier inside! My mom payed some people to decorate my room for me and put all our furniture in the house. She told them how to put everything too so I bet my room is perfect! "Mommy mommy where's my room!" I yelled jumping around. "It's upstairs on the left sweetie" my mommy laughed. I ran upstairs and went into my room. Wow! My walls were purple and I had the biggest bed ever! I had a white rug  with a fluffy bean bag chair in the corner. I had a toy box, a tv, mirror, and everything you could ever want! I went in my closet and it was huge. After I looked at the whole house my mommy helped me finish decorating my room with my stuff from our old house. "So what do you think?" She asked. "I love it!" I said and hugged her. I showed mommy the gifts that my best friends gave to me. "I miss them mommy" I said "it'll be okay honey you'll find other friends" she assured me. I just looked down and my mommy noticed that I was still sad so she said "Hey about you go outside a kick your soccer ball around while I finish unpacking" I loved playing soccer. Sometimes Izzy and Val would play with me but they didn't really like it. I smiled and grabbed my ball and went outside. We got here about an hour ago but it was still bright enough outside. I was just kicking the ball until I kicked it to hard and went into the road. Mommy always tells me not to go in the road but there were no cars so I looked both ways and started to go get it. Right when I went to grab it someone else picked it up. I looked up and saw it was the same dirty blonde haired boy I saw earlier. "Here" he said. I grabbed the ball and just stared at him. I was kinda shy so I was scared to talk but I did anyways. "Thanks" I said quietly. "What's your name?  I never saw you before" he said. "I'm Victoria but people call me Tori and I just moved here today" I told him. I looked to make sure no cars were coming still. He saw me and said "Let's get out of the road" so he grabbed my hand and we went into my yard. We sat down and he told me his name is Weston. We got to know more about each other. "Weston it's time to come in!" His mommy yelled. "Well I have to go but it was nice talking to you. I'll be outside tomorrow" he said. We stood up and he hugged me. "Bye Weston" I said. I watched him walk to his house and he looked back and waved before going in. I guess you could say that was only the beginning of us.


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