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Hope was lying on her bed, a book in her hands. Carli was gone for the day, since she claimed to see some friends of hers. The keeper was still very upset about her words, and they hadn't talked since Julie called.

There was a lot of conflicted feelings inside of Hope at the moment : she didn't understand how Carli could be such an amazing, caring and loving person with her, and then crush everything by saying terrible things. Hope didn't know where the truth was anymore. Was she a "silly love story"?

The brunette was finally home. Hope knew it because a smell she really loved invaded the atmosphere. She closed her eyes.

- Hey, Carli said.

Hope was surprised. Carli usually never speaks with that much shame in her voice. She was standing in front of her lover, not sure what to say anymore. She probably planned on doing a big speech to the keeper, hoping to get her back. But no sound came out of her mouth.

Hope didn't even look up.

- Hey.

That was it. Her ultimate word. She heard Carli sighed, before sitting on the bed. Hope finally looked at her, and she saw tears on her beautiful eyes. Carli never cries. That was the golden rule. The only time Hope had seen her cry was when she got pretty injured, and another time when they won the World Cup.

The keppers heart broke, but she wasn't gonna allow herself to soften like that.

- Hope..., she began, but then shut up, trying to find her words. I know what I said was beyond stupid, tactless, and totally out of anger. I know I shouldn't use such strong words when I'm mad. But it came out of nowhere. And I'm sorry about that.

The dark-haired just let a "uhn uhn" out.

- I just wanted you to know I didn't mean any of what I said about the silly love story.

The keeper was still remaining silent, just to see what Carli would do next. The brunette suddenly became nervous.

- I-I sent a text to JJ, to apologize, she went on. Hope, I know I hurt you, and I know I'm a total bitch but...

- But?

Hope raised an eyebrow. Carli took a deep breath before saying in a weak voice :

- But you mean the world to me. A-and even if it's a distraction having you around, even if it is indeed a "silly love story", I don't care. For the first time in my life I love something more than I love soccer.

She took a break, thinking about her words.

- I mean someone.

Hope looked at her. She saw on Carli's eyes what she's never seen on anybody else, and what she didn't think she'd see in her life : the midfielder cared about her. And she wasn't ready to give up on her.

She struggled to remain silent a littke bit more. She just stared at Carli, who stood up.

- I love you, Hope Solo, and I don't want anything to restrain us from loving each other to death. Even if I have to shut up forever.

- Car..., Hope whispered. That's probably the most beautiful thing I've ever been told.

- No, it's clearly not, Carli said. But this might be : I love you more than words can express, and you love me just the same. And that's the thing that matters the most to me.

The keeper got up quickly. She looked into Carli's eyes for a moment. But then, she just said :

- I don't want you to shut up. I want you to tell me you love me once again, so I know it's real.

Carli took a step further, grabbing Hope's hand.

- I love you. I'm sorry for being a total bitch.

Hope smiled wildly.

- You're my little bitch, Jersey girl. Don't ever forget that.

- I won't, Carli assured.

- I love you, baby.

They kissed and Hope felt relieved : Carli was fully committed to her. Totally hers.


- Kelley, a sweet voice called. Kels, it's time to wake up.

The light brunette was asleep on her chair, head resting on the hospital bed. She didn't want to open her eyes, because she knew Tobin was certainly just asking if she wanted coffee or whatever.

She felt cold fingers running through her hair.

- Kels, wake up, she voice murmured. I'm here.

She felt chills all over her body. She straightened right away, and what she saw cheered her up in the best was possible. Her eyes went wide, and she just sat here in awe.

- Allie? Babe? When did you wake up ? the freckled girl asked.

But the blonde didn't answer. Instead, she pulled Kelley closer and hugged her like she's never hugged anyone. Kelley buried her face on Allie's neck, and sighed.

She was finally home.

- I missed you, she whispered in her ear. I missed you so much.

Allie just tightened her embrace - was it really possible - as an answer. Kelley couldn't believe she was awake. The bracelet Allie gave her before going on the plane for Portland was on her wrist, and she was loving it way too much.

They remained silent for a while, just enjoying each other presence. Allie was shaking, so Kelley stood up and put a blanket on the blondes shoulders.

She then took her hands in hers.

- I love you.

Those words from Kelley were natural. Allie was quite surprised : it was the first time the freckled girl was saying it out loud. She smiled a little.

How could she resist such a bae?

- I-I missed you so fucking much, she said back.

Kelley wrapped her arms around Allie's neck and put their lips together. The kiss was very slow, but passionate. That was the moment Kelley had dreamed of for days. She nearly lost the love of her life.

But that perfect moment was interrupted by a cough behind them. Allie froze, and by the time Kelley turned around, the man was already looking at them, surprised.

Kelley guessed right away. Wait, isn't he supposed to be behind bars, away from her ? she thought.

- Patrick ? Allie asked. What the hell are you doing here.

Yup, the crazy brother is here, Kelley thought to herself. Great.

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