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Samantha Mewis wasn't good with people. As a matter of fact, she really had trouble finding the right words in some situations. And this disability of not being able to act normal was increased when a certain defender was around.

Some of the girls - mostly rookies - decided to have a slumber party. When Sam heard that a particular person would come as well, she rushed into the room. Lindsey was the host. When she came in, Emily was already here - which made sense since she's Lindsey's roommate - and greeted her. Sam knew what she had to do : she really liked Sonnett. Not kissing her at the end of last camp was her biggest regret. So now, she had to man up and try a way to make Emily fall for her. She had a plan, obviously.

Part one consisted in awkwardly flirting with her and being obvious. Sam came up with that idea because she knew she couldn't do anything else even if she wanted to. She had to show the blonde how she really was. And even if that meant being pushed away by her. She was willing to risk her honour in order to make her plan work.

So she sat next to Emily immediately. When Kling, Moe and Mal arrived, they sat on the floor, where Lindsey had put some pillows. They opted for an horror movie. Sam obviously hates horror movies. And she knew Emily too. So when things started to become more tensed up and scary, Sam randomly put her hand on Emily's.

The blonde looked at her, slightly blushing.

- What do you think you're doing ? Sonnett asked.

- I'm holding your hand, Sam simply answered.

They caught eyes, and Emily just looked down at their fingers entangled.

- May I ask why ?

- 'Cause you're scared, the girl said, as if it was obvious.

- Uhm, Sammy, you're the one sweating here..., Emily softly said.

- O-okay, I admit it.

Emily giggled at how cute her friend was being at the moment. She knew she shouldn't have, but she just pulled the blonde into a hug. Her heart stopped beating for several seconds. On the other hand, Sam slapped herself in the inside. You're the one supposed to drive her crazy, dumb-ass ! Not the opposite ? she thought. Stupid horror movie. We should have just watched Harry Potter instead.

In order to take the advantage once again, Sam just took a deep breath. She then pretended to be scared and jump on the edge of her seat. During that process, her hand slipped in the inside of Emily's upper leg. The defender couldn't move anymore, because she was frozen. Sam took all of her courage and began to caress Emily's leg with smoothness. That's good Mewis. Keep on flirting. Being her own love coach wasn't an easy thing.

Emily turned her head to look at her in the eyes. While the others were focused on the movie, she just whispered :

- Sam ? Your hand is on my leg.

- I'm aware. Now, shut up. It's the best moment.

The defender's muscled tensed up a little, as Sam was continuing to caress her leg. As she was getting closer to her ladies parts, Emily felt the excitement growing in her. She couldn't believe Sam's forwardness.

They remained in that position until Sam fell asleep on Emily's shoulder.


Alex was feeling guilty.

She just told Allie about Tobin and Christen's alliance. Even though the middy wasn't sure about Tobin's intentions, she couldn't believe her Harry would lie to her face like that. So the only way to be sure about the truth she thought about was talking to Kelley. And that terrified her. What if the freckled girl didn't like her anymore ?

She was walking back and forth on the sideline. She texted Kelley to meet her here, but she didn't answer. And she was already ten minutes late. I fucked up, she kept on telling herself, as a very strange feeling was growing in her stomach. And that feeling didn't go away, especially when she heard someone breathe heavily behind her.

She turned around and saw Kelley. The brunette seemed pretty angry at her. She doubted her, so she guessed it was only fair. Allie kept a security distance between them. She couldn't help but stare at Kelley's lips. I wanna kiss her.

- Hi, she let out.

You look beautiful.

- Hey.

Allie closed her eyes. Of course Kelley was using a cold tone.

- Thanks for coming, Allie went on.

- Let's talk.

The middy sighed. She had no idea what to do right now. As much as she wanted to hug Kelley or even tell her how much she missed her touch and kisses, and even presence, she knew she had to protect herself first.

- So, what I heard about you and Hinkle, she began, holding her breath. Is it... true ?

Kelley angrily shook her head.

- What do you think, Allie ? Am I in love with Jeanine Hinkle ?

The blonde bit her lower lip.

- I hope not.

- Do you think I'd do that to you ? Kelley practically yelled. I told you I loved you ! Does those words mean anything to you ? Do you think I tell them to anyone ?

Allie just looked down.


She jumped at how powerful Kelley's voice was. When she looked at her again, she saw a heartbreaking sadness in her eyes, along with doubt and anger.

- I get it ; you've got trust issues ! Very well ! But I won't be your fucking lover or whatever for the rest of my life ! I'm not an experiment for a straight girl ! I am in love with you, for God's sake ! How could you even think...

Allie held her breath. A tear was running down Kelley's cheek, as she looked at her with a desperate face on.

- I need to know it's real, Kelley said, wiping her tear.

She got closer to Allie.

- Say it to me. Those three words. I wanna hear them.

The blonde just stood still.

I love you

I freaking love you

I am in love with you

Kelley, my heart belongs to you.

I am yours.

Her thoughts were flying in her brain, but her mouth remained closed. Kelley gave her an ultimate look, before turning around and heading to the hotel. They were over. Completely over.

Why didn't you tell her ? Allie yelled at herself silently. She then let herself fall on the ground, knowing that she wasn't able to make Kelley stay.

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