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This one's for my O'Long shippers out there.

The girls stopped on the deserted pavement.

Suddenly, Alex got out of the car, and so did Tobin. Kelley, quite surprised, joined them, as they were waiting for her, their arms crossed on their thorax. The Georgia didn't quite understand why they'd stop looking for Allie while she might be in danger.

- Guys, we have to find her..., she protested.

But Tobin put her hand in front of her face to make her stop talking. She then looked at Alex, and they seemed to have a secret agreement in their eyes. Tobin took a classy dress from the truck, and handed it to Kelley.

- What am I supposed to do with that ? she grinned sarcastically. Maybe seduce Patrick Long ? No thanks.

- Put it on and shut the fuck up, Tobin ordered.

Kelley frowned. She looked around ; nobody here. So she just did as she was told and put the beautiful black dress on, and the high heels that came with it. Once everything was settled - Alex quickly brought her hair back into a chignon on top of her head. As she was going to protest again, Alex just gave her a little note.

The freckled girl read it quickly. Just wait and see. It was typed in a computer, so there was no way Kelley could guess from that note came. Running out of patience and growing more and more worried, she threw a death glare at her friends.

- As much as I love charades, I really want to find Allie, she grumbled.

When she was about to walk away from her friends, she abruptly stopped. A car just pulled on the side of the road, just in front of her. The recognized Becky. What the..., she thought, before being pushed on the car. Once she was settled on the passenger seat, Becky gave her another note, before starting the car.

Kelley read the note : You were right. Life is about more than just surviving. Kelley completely froze. This time, the note was in a certain handwriting. She recognized those strange As a certain person tended to do.

She turned and looked at Becky.

- What is going on ?

But the defender only looked at her, smirking. After ten very long minutes, Becky stopped the car. Kelley didn't recognize that place. It was a regular pavement once again. Another car was waiting for her. She didn't even thank Becky and got on the other car. This time, Whit was driving. A note was once again on Kelley's seat.

As Whit was starting the car and changed the direction, Kelley sighed and read : A wise man one day said : You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams. Kelley frowned once again. Yes, it really was Allie's handwriting. Her heart started to beat faster, as Whitney was pulling over. This time, no other car was waiting for Kelley, and Whit just took off real fast.

Kelley was alone on a freaking pavement, looking at the endless fields and the big forest that were ahead of her. Suddenly, someone put a hand on her shoulder, and she jumped out of surprise. She discovered a serious Pinoe, which wasn't usual. She gave her another note and let her open it now.

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. Thank you Kelley. You make me a better person, and make this world a little brighter for me.

Megan looked at her moved eyes. Kelley really was getting emotional right now, as she was hearing Allie's voice in her head as she was reading what the middy wrote. The blonde girl then showed her a horse-drawn carriage. Of course, she knew Kelley loved horses. They both got on it, as a tiny man was ordering the horse to galop. Kelley was becoming nervous and sweaty.

Pinoe put her hand on my arm.

- It's gonna be just fine, she then said.

Kelley nodded, speechless. They traveled across the forest for a while, before reaching some sort of a glade. The carriage stopped, and Pinoe smiled at her.

- This is the end of the road for you, Pinoe gently said. Here.

She handed her a final note, before disappearing with the carriage and the little man. Now that she was alone, Kelley just read the instructions on the note. Walk straight in front of you. I'm here Kels.

The brunette never walked that fast, even if she was wearing high heels. Annoyed by them, she quickly removed them, throwing them on the ground. She arrived at the end of the glade, and a small path was leading to a cliff. She took several steps further, before being completely taken by surprise.

The vue was beautiful, but maybe not as much as the kind of chilling spot someone had prepared for her. There was a huge white sheet on the ground, overlying the grass, in which was settled a real romantic spot ; a table covered by roses, two chairs, a candle, petals everywhere near that table... And Allie Long, dressed in all black, nervously turning her back on Kelley. Her hair were free, and Kelley could smell her parfum from where she was standing. Her oh so desired parfume.

When she heard something crack under Kelley's bare feet, Allie turned around. She then smiled at how beautiful Kelley was right now. Slowly approaching her, she took a little note - written in a black paper this time - out of her hand. Once she was right in front of Kelley, she handed her the ultimate note.

Heart racing, Kelley unfolded the little piece of paper. She then laughed. She laughed because she was happy, relieved, completely blown away. All in once. Because of Allie. The note was on her hand, and a tear rolled down her cheek and crashed into the black paper. It was here, written in white.

I love you.

She looked up at Allie, who was also crying.

- That's the first time I say that to anyone, she murmured between two heavy breathes. Kelley, I believe in miracles. I once told you you were mine, and I weighing my words when I tell you that once again. I know I'm always on my guards, staring at the shadows from my past. What I don't know it that those shadows are gone. Ever since I've met you, they faded away, very far away from me.

She took a deep breathe and entangled her fingers with Kelley's.

- You are the one driving me crazy Kelley. Even words can't describe what I feel when you are standing so close to me. I am sorry for being so... I don't know, like, stupid sometimes. Pretty often actually.

She giggled, and Kelley's heart flickered once again.

- I brought you here tonight to tell you something I should've told you a long time ago. Kelley...

She closed her eyes for a second, before opening them again, astonishing Kelley with the ocean she was diving into when she looked into them. The time seemed to have stopped, as the blonde was moving her lips slowly :

- I love you.

The silence was king again, so Allie decided to take advantage of that.

- I can't live without you anymore. You're my oxygen. So please don't ever leave my side, because I need you so bad.

Kelley was crying hard now. She placed both of her hands on Allie's cheeks and pulled her closer. As the middy was wrapping her arms around her waist, like if it was a natural gesture now - Kelley closed the gap remaining between their lips. They remained in that position, still, for about thirty second, fully acknowledging that they finally were each other's. Allie was Kelley's, and Kelley was Allie's.

The freckled girl pulled away for a second. She looked into Allie's eyes and whispered against her lips :

- I love you too.

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