Chapter 16

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"Maybe you should talk to your family you know. Tell them how you feel and maybe they'll listen and understand. That's all it took for me and my pops. Now we're really close and I think it's partly because he knew that after the loss, we were all one another had " he preach to me as I ate my fries. He was very intellectual and you could tell by the way he explained things and he was surprisingly articulate. I had fallen into a trance by the time he had finished talking. Not only was he physically attractive but he was smart.

"I don't think our situations are the same, Eli" I confessed causing him to raise one eyebrow. I shook my head as my appetite seized at the conversation of my family.

"Ever since I was little they'd treat me as if I was never good enough and at age 5 the only thing I was supposed to be good at was coloring and they'd even find ways to torment me about "not coloring inside the lines " and bullshit like that. I'm just over it. And I can bet millions that they don't treat me like this because they care about me." I explained making him nod his head in understanding. He continued eating and the smoke seeped out the car and a comfortable silence occupied the air.

"Well you know if you ever need to talk, I'm here. Especially since we'll be going to the same school, I'll be close..." He said trailing off as he finished his food. I had figured. I'd save mine for later since I wasn't really hungry anymore.

"you know, you're too pretty to be stressing over stuff you can't control" he complimented before lighting his blunt again and taking a long drag. I looked over towards him and raised my eyebrows. He passed the J towards me as I puffed it a bit and let the smoke out through my nose. He leaned over towards me licking his lip and stopped to where I could feel his breath against my cheek. I smirked and cut my eyes at him.

"If you're not doing anything wrong what's the point of tryna stop it?" He said lowly as I turned to him and my eyes fluttered to his lips and then to his eyes.

"It's cool if I kiss you?" He asked and I would've been an idiot had I said no. I nodded silently, and he took no time to gently grab my chin and met his lips with mine. As the kiss grew deeper his hands shifted from the back of my neck down to my waist. I crawled over into his lap, facing him as his arms wrapped around my small frame. One of his hands trailed up my back and held my neck in place as he made an effort to adjust the seat without parting from the kiss. I didn't know if it was just me or if it was really getting hot in the car. One of his hand moved from my back to my butt as he gripped me through my jeans. I pulled away from the kiss suddenly before beginning to unbutton his pants still kissing him with every intent of him being in my guts. He stopped me before speaking

"You tryna come back to my crib?" He said softly in between kisses he planted on my neck. That question suddenly brought me back to reality. First I had to figure out how I was gonna get my car back from Isaiah's house after remembering that he had taken me to the party. I thought to myself for a moment before nodding my head.

*a month later *

"Happy birthday, Ny" Eli greeted me as I hopped down the steps of my house. He leaned against the side of his car that was parked in my driveway as he held a bouquet of flowers in his hand. I smiled up at him before giving him a hug.

"Awee thank you, Elijah" I thanked him almost tearing up. I'd never received flowers from anyone and after knowing him for a month he comes with a big bouquet. It was sweet.

"I don't get a kiss or nothing?" He asked looking down at me and grabbed me by my waste. I kissed him on his cheek leaving lipstick on the side of his face before he smacked his lips and grabbed my face planting a big kiss on my lips. I laughed and kissed him back and pressed up against him.

"You look good" he said randomly separating from the kiss and licking his lips. I looked down at my outfit which was simply a cropped wife beater and a grey skirt and my pink fenty bow slides that he'd left at my door step last week.

We'd been talking ever since the night of Shawn's party

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We'd been talking ever since the night of Shawn's party. We would see each other almost everyday and we'd grown a really tight relationship. He was very open and we communicated well but it was still a lot of mystery to him which was bittersweet. Exciting on one hand but kind of scary. I liked him.

"Ok so we have two choices today. We can go bowling or we can go to the carnival , whichever one you want to do" he explained turning the radio down as we pulled out of my neighborhood. I always loved going to the fair when I was in my preteen years but after a while I just stopped going.

"Carnival. I haven't been in a while. Besides you think I'm bouta go bowling in a skirt? " I chimed excitedly and asked him referring to my attire

"Nobody told you to where no damn skirt. " he challenged making me smack my lips

"Your parents get you anything for your birthday?" He asked randomly looking over at me. My excitement diminished before shaking my head 'no'

"I don't think they even remembered considering that you were the only ones to wish me a happy birthday so far but it's nothing new" I said trying to put I smile back on my face. I looked over at him as he shifted his weight onto the armrest on the door and took the exit ramp off of 264.

"Where we going?" I asked knitting my eyebrows since this was an exit too early to get to the fair. He licked his lips before he made a left turn.

"Relax" he told me smiling and continued driving straight and turned the radio back up.

I'm baaaaaaack :). So when I left I barely had any reads and now I have like half a 1000. That's dope as hell yall lol. So i left off in like the middle of this chapter but I changed up a few things here and there and I'm still thinking about doing different points of view so continue reading and voting and I love the fact that y'all are commenting on different parts of the story. It's great feedback and gives me an idea of what y'all want to read.

-M 💕

In multimedia: Shawn

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