Chapter 2

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"I don't know what I did... Things were going good, I thought. I just don't understand why he would do this to me" Genesis cried as we sat in the parking lot of the boardwalk. Gen and I sat in the back seat as I rubbed her back embracing her in a hug. I could tell she was hurt because his actions were so unexpected.

"How about you call him... To ask him. I'm sure he'll tell you the truth Genesis. You never know. The tests may be for someone else." I encouraged her talking her out of doing something terrible to him without even knowing if he was cheating or not. She sniffled before nodding and taking out her phone and dialing him. It rang a couple times before he finally picked up.

"Hey baby" he greeted after Genesis put the call on speaker phone for Val and me to hear him.

"Hey what are you doing?" She spoke putting her best voice together to act as if nothing was wrong. Valerie and I listened intently ready for what was about to happen.

"Nothing laying down. I was about to come see you if you weren't busy. I miss you." He said making her smile a little. I raised an eyebrow and Val crossed her arms.

"I miss you too... Hey look I have something to talk to you about and I know you'll tell me the truth, right?" She began with tears starting to swell up in her eyes again.

"Of course baby, what is it?" He asked sounding genuinely concerned for her. He was a good guy and we all knew that but niggas are going to continue to be niggas no matter how much you think they care.

"Um well I'm out with Valerie and Nyla and um I was told that you were at Walmart last night and you were buying pregnancy tests... And I would just like to know who were they for and is there anything you'd like to tell me?" She spoke with one single tear streaming down her cheek. There was a momentary pause before he sighed on the other side of the phone.

"Gen, you know I care about you, right?" He stated making Valerie roll her eyes.

"Yea" she nodded and sniffled a little before he continued his explanation.

"And you know that I never meant to hurt you but you have to believe me when I tell you this, okay?" He continued as tears rapidly fell from her eyes. I grabbed her shoulder as she silently cried.

"A couple weeks ago... I ... I um went to Shawn's house to chill you know. I didn't expect her to be there but my ex, Sabrina was there. So for one, I was high as hell and halfway drunk when it happened but we had sex...I honestly don't fully remember it and believe me I regret it with every ounce of me and I wish I could take it back. I swear I do. So yesterday she called me and told me that she'd been having morning sickness and mood swings and you know, all the signs of a pregnancy so I went to Walmart and bought the tests to make sure..." He rambled off explaining loosely the events that occurred that led up to the situation. I shook my head as she made that ugly face we all make when we cry hard and I hugged her tightly. She was devastated , I felt sympathetic, and Val was all out Pissed.

"Well is the bitch pregnant?!" Valerie shouted into the phone. He paused for a moment before answering that she wasn't.

"If I find out other wise I'm beating yours and that bitch ass, you got me. Matter of fact, I should whoop y'all asses regardless! You knew what the fuck you were doing when you put your dick in the herpes having, loose ass bitch! I can't even believe that you can say you care about her when obviously you couldn't care less.You're a low down dirty ass nigga, I hope you know that and the next time I see you, know that I'm coming for that ass!" Valerie ranted at I consoled a distraught Gen. No amount of words could comfort her.

"I deserve it, Valerie...Genesis, I can't tell you how sorry I am and how deeply I regret it. I truly wasn't thinking and I don't ever expect for you to forgive me. Genesis I'm so so so sorry baby..." He continued as she left my embrace before hanging up the phone.

"I'm sorry, Sweetie. We knew how much you liked him.." Valerie said giving her an empathetic look.

"You still wanna be out?"I asked her as she wiped under her eyes before nodding. I grabbed some tissues that was in the compartment on the inside of the car door and cleaned her face as she tried to pull herself together.

"I don't know what I did wrooooong" she broke down in a fit of tears just as we thought she'd gotten herself together. We made the decision to ditch the beach and go back to Valerie's house and talk about how boys were no good and eat candy and ice cream until falling asleep, sprawled out on her living room floor. We couldn't let our best friend go through this alone.
Extra update cuz I have nothing else to do but vote and comment comment comment 👍🏾

-M ✨

In multimedia: Nyla

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