Chapter 3

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"Hola Chicas se tengo el desayunooooo" we heard Valerie's mom enter the house and setting groceries and Chick-fil-A on the island in the kitchen . Her mom was Latina and her dad was black which you could easily assume.

"Hey Mama" Val greeted her as we all sluggishly sat at the bar stools in her kitchen, Genesis the last to come. Her eyes were big and red and her face was a bit swollen from last night and as soon as Valerie's mom had noticed all hell broke loose. She stopped what she was doing and looked at Gen with worry on her face then to Val and me.

"What's wrong, Bebita?" She asked her furrowing her eyebrows in confusion before tears welled at the bottom of Genesis's eyes for the 100th time.

"This guy she really liked almost got his ex pregnant" Valerie explained for her as she broke down into tears once again. I felt so bad for her especially since Cairo was one of the most genuine people I knew. It was devastating for her and exhausting for her to keep crying like this.

"Awwwee nooo, I'm sorry sweetie" Val's mom oozed as she embraced her in what looked like a needed hug.

"Look chica, you're young and I know it hurts right now babe, but as you get older and start to mature you're going to have to listen to your brain and not your heart first and definitely not your coochie, okay Mama? See listen girls... These boys only want one thing and whether you give it to them now, later, or never they are going to want it. You just have to stay strong, communicate, and hold out as long as you think you need too. Don't feel like you have to have sex with every guy you dat just to keep y'all together honey " She lectured walking in front of the counter that we were sitting behind as Gen continued to sniffle.

"I can't count how many times I got my heart broken by these no good niggas but I kept trying and that's when I met your father and everything fell into place. Listen, you guys need to eat then go out and have fun, do something instead of sitting in the house, okay" she continued preaching to us. Valerie's mom was my second mom in every way possible, she fed me, loved me like I was her own daughter, and even housed me at a point.

After eating the Chick-fil-A that Mrs. Valentina had bought for us we got dressed and headed to the mall just to help Gen get her mind off of Cairo. We arrived at the mall which wasn't packed seeing as though it was Sunday and everyone was either sleep, hungover, or at church. Not only were the stores nearly empty but it seemed as though we had the whole mall to ourselves. The only people there were employees or security guards and a couple old people lingering.

The first store we went to was H&M. We'd all started to search around the two decker store and by the third rotation around the store we ended with a mountain of clothes. A couple stores later we were all out of a couple hundred. When they say you can't buy happiness they're totally wrong. We could tell Genesis was in a way better mood than before as we stopped at the virtually empty food court and bought something small from Tropical Smoothie before I got a call from my annoying ass older brother.

"Where you at?" He blurted not even saying hello. I rolled my eyes before turning my phone screen towards Val and Gen to show them who was calling.

"The mall ... Why?" I questioned him sipping my watermelon mojito smoothie.

" Cause I need to borrow your TV" he said making me furrow my eyebrows and purse my lips. This nigga is something else.

"For what?  You have a better TV than me" I asked him as they looked at me weirdly.

"Mine broke. I'm taking yours" he blurted as I rolled my eyes hard as hell before saying fuck it.

"Whatever Miles, just don't break it " I told him before hanging up. I swear that if I never came back home they wouldn't care.

"Y'all ready to go?" Asked Valerie as she balled up her trash and grabbed her smoothie before standing up and we did the same.

Kind of a boring chapter but I'm posting really quickly so it shouldn't be long before I get to where I want to be in the story. Soooo vote and comment and all that good stuff.


In multimedia: Valerie

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