Chapter 23

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"I just realized that you never let me spend the night here" Elijah said to me as he plopped down into my bed. I look at him with confused eyes as I kicked off my shoes.

"You've met my family. They'd never let that happen Eli" I told him sitting on the end of the bed in front of him. He shrugged and laid back.

It was his last night in town until he went back to Georgia and my parents both went to Maui for their anniversary and Miles was out doing God knows what. It was the perfect time for me to spend with him before his flight tomorrow.

"Can't wait till you move so I don't have to keep sneaking in and out ya crib" he said sitting up on to the edge of the head board.

"You know, I've been thinking... I'm about to move across the country, by myself, leaving all my friends and family behind.....I think we should really slow down while I transition. I really want to concentrate on my goals. I have to concentrate on what I want to do. I'm not a little kid anymore." I expressed more to myself than to him. It was like I was proclaiming that I wanted to focus more on my studies. The look on his face told me he wasn't understanding. He laughed a little before licking his lips and nodding his head.

"Ny, I'm not finna play these games with you..." he said standing up and starting to leave. My eyebrows furrowed at his abrupt decision.

"Wait wait wait.. where you going?" I asked him confused as hell blocking the door to stop him from trying to leave and my little self was really trying.

"Home until you figure out what the fuck you want cause I'm not doing this" he said trying to move me out the way without hurting me.

"I only was saying that we should slow down a bit so I can get to where I want to be. Why don't you understand that? I never said we should break up" I tried to reason with him. It wasn't like I was saying let's just stop seeing each other all together. He knew it wasn't like that.

"See that's that shit, Ny. How is pushing the only person you have in your corner away when this is the time you'll need me most, helpful to you?" He said raising his voice causing me to recant like a puppy.

"I don't need you ,Elijah. Of course I love having you around but I don't need anybody but my damn self!" I told him regaining my confidence. He clenched his jaw while leaning against the door.

"You said it yourself, im an adult and I can make grown woman decisions." I argued back moving away from the door not so pressed for him to stay anymore.

"But baby, you're not understanding. You need someone supporting you and I will be there to do that especially if you're saying you have nobody. You have me." He said softening his voice which melted away the scowl that I had on my face. I crossed my arms and shifted my weight to one leg.

"You can't flourish in college with no support. I can tell you that right now. While you're a thousand miles away from here, I'll be right down the street.." he cooed to me raising his eyebrows and lifting my chin up to look at him.

"Alright I get it" I told him giving in to his explanation. He was right, I didn't know what I was in for and it was only going to be more stressful having no one to air my shit out to.

"You get it?" He asked, satisfied that he had gotten his way. It was no use in continuing to argue with him because he had a point. I'm pretty sure shit Is tough when you on your own. He stepped closer to me and lifted my chin up with his finger so that I was looking at him.

"I got it" I told him before he smiled and pecked my lips and picked me up by my waist causing me to wrap my legs around him.

Genesis POV

"You eat today?" Miles asked me as I sat in the front seat of his car. He had stopped by my house because he said he "needed to talk". I was completely confused as to what he needed to talk to me about since I had sent him the date and time of my first doctors appointment and he clearly expressed that he really didn't care what I did with the baby.

"...yea?" I told him questioning why he asked me. He looked over at me with apologetic eyes.

"You hungry, you need anything?" He asked me. I looked at him and furrowed my eyebrows skeptically.

"Miles, what did you need me to talk to me about?" I asked him, cutting right to the chase. He paused and started to say something but then closed his mouth.

"Genesis, I've been thinking and wondering and trying to wrap my head around this situation and I think we should keep it and raise him or her.. together, as a family. I want to be present in my child's life so we can find a place and b-" he stated to explain before I cut him of, completely caught off guard.

"Wait hold up, not even 24 hours ago you were asking me to abort the baby now all of the sudden you want to be a daddy?!" I raised my voice. He was asking for too much at one time, making decisions for me as if he was the one who was carrying it.

"I didn't tell you to abort the baby. I told you that there were other options but I changed my mind. I want to make this work Gen" he claimed taking one of my hand in both of his. Before I told him I was pregnant and after he got me pregnant and wouldn't even look in my direction but now he wants to "make it work".

"You can't just expect me to do what you want all because you "changed your mind"." I told him snatching my hand from him making him smack his lips and roll his eyes.

"It didn't matter what I said before because we both knew you were keeping it anyway. I'm not dumb and I'm not heartless. I want this baby just as much as you do and I think, together, we can do it.." he said leaning over the armrest

"You can think about, I don't need you to make a decision right now but when this baby comes, I want he or she to be in a stable home" he replied to me after a long moment of silence. I was evaluating what he was proposing. On one hand, Miles was indescribably conceited and when it came to big issues, what was best for him was always the option he chose, but on the other hand he was being selfless by putting his life on hold to take care of me and the baby...  it was bittersweet

"I am kinda hungry " I told him diverting the conversation. I was barely 15 weeks and I was already showing pretty bad. Especially since my stomach has always been small. I was eating like five meals a day and peeing 9 times a day. It was starting to get hectic and the help of my mom definitely wouldn't be enough, I knew that since she could barely keep the lights on in our house and she was completely against me having the baby. It was easy for me to accept his offer but the hard part was carrying a baby that deep down nobody wanted...
Ps: please excuse mistakes. I will be going back to editing soon.

In multimedia
Top row, left to right : Nyla, Valerie, Genesis, Tory, Colby
Bottom row, left to right: Elijah, Dacari, Miles, Xavier, Shawn

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