Chapter Eighteen

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“They’re coming for you,” Monkey girl said, “and when they do, they’ll send you back to hell where you belong!” “Lovely.” The Ringmaster stated, obviously not caring. His eyes were still closed; they were still busy tracking Snakeman. He could see what he could; and all he saw was blurs of trees and grass rushing past. ‘Run back to me, good child, you’re the smartest one here.’ ‘Get out of my head!’ The Ringmaster laughed to himself. “You think you’re sooo high and mighty don’t you?” Monkey girl interrupted his thought again, which didn’t make him happy. “That boy and girl are coming, with guns and help, you won’t stand a chance.” “Quiet, you adorable little monster,” He snapped, “Not only do they not scare me, but guns won’t help them. I’m already dead; all they’ll do is go right through me.” “They’ll stop you!” “You have false hope, my friend.” He closed his eyes again, ‘You know what I can do for you, for her, little Snakeman.’ ‘I said no already-‘ ‘You know they can’t hear us.’ ‘Annabelle's grandmother might be able to…’ ‘You’re too far away, in her younger days we’d be in danger, but now the old bat can hear what we’re thinking unless we’re in the same house.’

He saw him stop, panting. ‘They were going back to get guns, should I wait here or no?” “They know where you’re going, just come on back. We’ll wait for them here.’ ‘You’ll leave her alone, right?’ The Ringmaster sighed. ‘Yes yes, I’ll give her the same medicine I gave you and make her Snake woman or something. Just do your job.’ 

“Come on, we have to get to the circus, its already almost day.” Their father said. “I don’t think we should be doing this.” Nathan sighed. “It obviously too late.” He ignored the infuriated glare shot from his sister. “It’s true and you know it.” He said, shoving the pistols in her hands, “For someone that almost got eaten I would think you’d agree.” “It was because of that evil man, it not the real him and you should trust me that I know what I’m doing!” She shot back. “Suicide is what you’re doing! How do you know if this all isn’t a trap right now?” “Stop fighting, please.” Night Angel said then. “Come on now, we should get going. If we’re going to help him doing it before anybody wanting to see the circus shows up to see a horror show.” Their dad came back into the room, “Alright then, let’s get going.” Annabelle nodded. They all headed out the door, with one annoyed as hell Nathan.

Snakeman arrived back at the circus to an awaiting Ringmaster. “Come, and I shall show you the end to my bargain.” He escorted him to the tent nearest to them. It was the tent with all the test tubes and chemicals, where all the new acts went to be transformed. He led Snakeman over to a table, and Snakeman flinched. “I remember this, this is where you strapped me up.” “And where your little mate shall be, if all works out. Now, they should be on their way here, I’ll get everything ready and get the shots made.” “She’s going to hate me for this.” Snakeman mumbled. “She’ll forget in time.” The Ringmaster said, then, as a mumble, added, “They always forget.” Outside all the shadow demons were getting things ready for their visitors, caging all the freaks and blocking off all the exits. Snakeman walked past Monkey girl when her cage was being moved. “Snakey!” She said happily. “You’ve come back, quick, help!” He shook his head. “What?” “Drag her away, I don’t want to see her.” He could feel her eyes burning into the back of his head as he walked away.

It was around three a.m. when the group made their way through the forest. “There, we’re here.” “You all ready?” “Sure.” They snuck their way down the hill and quietly entered the camp of tents.

“It’s too quiet.” Nathan said. “I don’t trust it.” They made their way through until they saw the Ringmaster going into his tent. “There! Let’s end it now.” Annabelle said, and everyone snuck over to his tent. They were about to open it when they heard Snakey behind them. “What’re you doing here? Leave!” “Not without you!” “I almost killed you and you still want to help?” Snakey said. “That’s what I said.” Nathan chimed in. “Come on, we’re going to end it here and now, you can help.” Annabelle said, tossing one of her pistols to him. They all turned until they heard the coking of a gun, and shadows darting around to surround them. “What’re you doing?!” Nathan hissed when he turned to see Snakeman holding the gun to them. “Holding up his end of the bargain.” They all turned to see the Ringmaster standing before them, an evil smirk on his face, “Good job, Snakey.”

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