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Note: I am not affiliated with anyone from the show.

Rory paced around her two bedroom apartment. Her mother was out of town with Luke, Lane was busy with her twins, and Logan had left her when she declined his proposal. Rory didn't know what to do. She never told her mom or anyone what Logan had done, they were happy and it needed to stay that way without bringing up her own problems.

Rory picked up her phone.



"Rory? What's up? You haven't called me in like 2 years."

"I'm sorry, Jess...I should've called you a lot sooner."

"You still with that boy, Logan?"

Rory paused and bit her lip to stop from crying. She sniffed. "Um...he proposed."


"Yeah, I said no...then he just left..."

"Rory, I am so sorry! Are you okay?" Jess tried to comfort her.

"Yeah." She lied. "I'm...fine."

"No you're not. I can tell by your voice. Anything you need. I'm here."

"Thank you. This is gonna sound so stupid..." Rory took a breath. "But can you come over? Sorry, no. I'm an idiot."

"Sure." Jess said to Rory's surprise.


"Yeah, why not? You need someone there. And I'm totally here for you."

"Thank you...my address is 3349 Hill Dr." Rory hung up and sat on the bed. She felt like a weight was lifted off her chest.

30 minutes later, the doorbell ring. Rory rushed over, excited to see Jess. She opened the door, only to see it was Logan.

"Logan!" Rory was shocked to see him.

"Let me explain why-"

"No." Rory cut him off. "You need to go, I have someone coming."

"Oh really? Moved on so fast?" Logan leaned over and started to kiss Rory. At that moment, Jess came up to the door.

"Logan really left you didn't he?" Jess rolled his eyes. "Forget you, Rory."

"No! Jess! Come back, I don't want him. He kissed me, I didn't kiss back!"

"Whatever." Jess sighed.

"This is who you called for?" Logan raised his voice. "Really, Rory? Are you stupid?"

"Hey!" Jess yelled, turning around. "Don't you dare call her stupid. She's not. She's wonderful. No wonder she doesn't want you. You're a jerk."

"Go to hell." Logan said and walked off.

That left Rory, crying and miserable. "I don't have anyone left." She ran to her room.

"...you have me." Jess stood in the doorway.

Rory looked up. "Really? You're not going to run away like Logan did? Leave like everyone else?" Rory's tears flowed down her face harder than ever before. She was having a breakdown.

"Rory...don't cry. He's not worth it." Jess comforted.

Rory wiped her eyes. "Ah. What am I doing. I'm such a child."

"No you're not, you're upset and It's okay." Jess grabbed her hand and pulled Rory close. Rory cried into Jess's shoulder.

"I'm so glad you're here." Rory got up and grabbed a blanket. "I'm going to curl up and watch a movie. Feel free to join me." Rory secretly wanted him to stay with her.

"I'd love to, sweetheart. But I kinda need to head back. It's getting late." Jess wanted to stay, but didn't know if Rory really wanted him to.

"Oh okay." Rory smiled slightly at Jess. "Well, I'll see ya around?"

"Yeah." Jess smiled back.

"Wait...." Rory said.


"Please stay..."

"Of course, hon." Jess and Rory sat on the couch and watched a movie. Rory started cuddling up next to Jess. He put his arm around her. After a nice night, Jess got ready to leave. It was around 1:00am, but Rory was asleep and resting on him. She looked so peaceful, finally she wasn't upset. Jess hated when she was sad, it hurt him because she really cared about her.

Around 1:30am Rory woke up, Jess got up.

"Goodnight Rory."

"Goodnight Jess...but one thing before you leave." Rory walked up and kissed Jess, he kissed her back. "I'm sorry!"

"No, Rory! That was great!" Jess continued to kiss Rory and he stayed the night.

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