What She Wanted

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I need to write more, when school starts on Monday, I won't be able to write as much.

Jess was stroking Rory's hair as she drifted to sleep. It had been a hard night for the both of them.

In the morning, Rory scheduled a doctor's appointment to confirm her pregnancy.

"Hey, you okay?" Jess noticed that Rory looked rather sad.

"Yeah, I guess. I'm just worried. I haven't told my mom or Luke yet and I don't know how they're going to react."

"Rory, they're going to be thrilled. They love you, and they're going to love this baby!" Jess took Rory into a hug.

"I sure hope so. Anyway, my doctor's appointment is at one."



Jess and Rory hopped in the car and headed to the doctor. They waited patiently in till a skinny, blonde nurse called, "Ms. Lorelai Gilmore?"

"Yes!" Rory got up. "You can call me, Rory."

"Okay, Rory! Follow me!" The woman cheerfully said.

"Perky much?" Jess whispered.

"Shhh..." Rory gave Jess a 'shut-up-before-I-hurt-you' , stare.

After waiting about 20 minutes, the doctor came in and did some tests. After they were done, more waiting.

"I'm tired of waiting!" Rory whined as she impatiently kicked her feet.

"Stop acting like a three year old." Jess laughed.

"Ugh. I'm sorry. I'm so anxious, what if things don't go right, or-"

The doctor finally came in.

"Ms. Gilmore?" The tall, dark haired man said.

When Rory nodded, he began to speak again.

"After the tests we found out that you are not pregnant. It must've been a false alarm. Actually, results show you probably will never be able to conceive. You could come back in a couple of months and we can try more tests..." The doctor trailed off.

Something inside Rory broke. She didn't think she could take care of a baby or handle the stress and responsibility, but when she was told she wasn't pregnant, her heart sank.

"Okay th-thank you, Doctor." Rory got up and got changed out of the gown and checked out. She was silent the whole way home. Jess's attempts at getting her to talk failed, she just mumbled inaudible words.

"Rory, please talk to me." Jess gently rubbed her shoulder as she walked inside.

Instead of talking, Rory sat on the couch and brought her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them.

Jess observed the pain in her eyes and decided to leave her to grieve, he didn't realize she wanted a baby so bad.

When Rory felt her eyes filling with water, she quickly got up and ran to the bathroom and locked the door. She didn't want Jess to see her so weak, so vulnerable.

Jess felt like someone punched him in the gut, and left him there to die. He couldn't stand to see Rory that way.

"Rory?" He whispered as he gently tapped on the bathroom door. "Please come out, sweetie."

Rory sniffed and wiped her eyes then opened the door slightly, but fully when she saw that Jess was worried. He had a genuine look of caring and comfort and she knew that he would do anything to help her.

"I just really wanted a baby, alright?" Rory said as she rolled her eyes. Her sadness transformed into anger as her emotions didn't know what to do.

"Come on, Ror-" Jess started.

Rory's eyes filled with tears again as she broke down. "You'll never stay, will you? This is just the beginning. You're gonna see me like this and just pack your bags and leav-"

Jess interrupted her with a kiss, which she greatly appreciated. "I love you. I'm never leaving." He emphasized with wide eyes.

Rory gazed into his beautiful eyes, letting them take her over. "I-I love you too." Rory said, honestly.

Jess carefully took her hand and kissed it. "Baby or no baby, I'm here to stay. You're stuck with me."

"Good." Rory hugged Jess tightly and started to gain her strength back. Hopefully he was right this time.

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