A Ring for Christmas

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Rory sat, reading a copy of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. She had read it a couple times before, but loved the satirical story line. It really reflected societal standards and poked fun at the obliviousness of the world.

"Hey." Jess quietly said as he walked over to Rory.

Rory set the book down. "Hey." She smiled.

"I was thinking...we need a night out."

"Mmm, we do." Rory agreed.

"I'm taking you out to a nice Italian place up the street." Jess reached out for Rory's hand which she willingly took.

"Why thank you." Rory smiled at her amazing boyfriend.

Later that night, Rory and Jess got ready and headed out to Pasta Galore, a new Italian place close by. Rory wore an elegant ruby dress with diamonds outlining the edges. Her brown hair cascaded down her back about mid way in loose curls. Jess couldn't keep his eyes off her. She was a work of art. Her natural features drove Jess crazy. Makeup was not needed, Rory's face was ultimate perfection.

Rory noticed Jess staring at her, a smile lit up his entire face. "What?" She asked and laughed.

"You're just so..." Jess couldn't contain himself. "You're so beautiful."

Rory blushed profoundly. "Thank you, Jess. I love you."

"I love you too." Jess fidgeted around around in his pocket before looking up at Rory. "Close your eyes."


"Just close your eyes."

Rory did as told. Jess reached into his pocket once again and pulled out a small, silver box. He opened it and inside laid a ring with a extravagant diamond. He got down on one knee beside Rory and told her to open her eyes. "Lorelai Leigh Gilmore, I have loved you for so long. Sweetheart, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. If it wasn't for you, who knows where I'd be today? Rory, you're my world. Now, will you make me the luckiest man in the world and marry me?" Tears were beginning to form in his eyes. In Rory's, they were already cascading down her cheeks.

"Yes! Of course. Jess, I love you!" She jumped up and Jess wrapped her in a hug. Everyone around them cheered, as they saw the young couple.

Jess held Rory in his arms that night. Both laid awake just taking in each other's breathes and staying still in comfort. This is the way they wanted to stay forever.

Y'all. Sorry for the long wait...thank you so much for reading!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2016 ⏰

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