I Love You

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Note: anything in italics is someone's thoughts.

Rory's hands were shaking as she reached for her cell phone. She dialed Jess's number. How am I going to tell him this?

The phone rang and rang, then she heard his voice.


Rory felt like her throat was sealed shut. "I can't! I'm sorry!" She yelled into the phone then hung it up.

Jess's heart dropped, he knew it was Rory, and he knew he had hurt her.

When Rory heard her phone ringing again, she felt a sense of relief. Maybe he does care about me.

"Hey, Rory. I know it's you. Don't talk, just listen. I know I messed up, there's no pretending I didn't. I'm extremely sorry for that, and I know that doesn't change the fact that I'm a terrible person. I wanted to call you, I wanted to come back and pretend nothing happened, but I can't. I was a jerk, and I yelled at you twice. I hurt you and honestly, I want to kill myself. Rory, I love you. I love you so much. I can't believe I ran away. I didn't move on, I've been staying at a crappy hotel all by myself thinking of how stupid I was to leave you. You're everything to me, Rory. I have always loved you, and that will never change. I need to control my anger and stop being such an idiot. I can't mess things up with you, you're what I live for, Rory!" Jess sounded like he was going to cry.

"Oh, Jess. I love you too. It's just, I have news. It's huge, I don't know what you're gonna do or say, please don't hate me okay?"

Jess took a deep breath. "Hit me with it."

"I'm pregnant."

Rory heard Jess hang up. "Wonderful." Rory threw her phone and went sat on the couch. She began sobbing. What am I gonna do? Rory cried in till she couldn't breathe. How could Jess say all that but hang up?

After almost 30 minutes of crying and worrying, the doorbell rang. Rory wiped the tears from her face and attempted to look presentable.

She opened the door and to her surprise she saw Jess, holding flowers, a card and a gift bag.

"Jess!" Rory gasped. "I thought you were mad!"

"No! Rory, I shouldn't have hung up like I did, but I wanted to surprise you. I didn't mean to make you upset." Jess noticed her watery eyes and red cheeks. "Have you been crying?"

"Um, yeah. I was just...wow. Thank you." Rory hugged Jess.

"We're going to raise this baby, together." Jess put the gifts down and hugged Rory. "I love you. I'm never leaving you again." Jess meant this, he was never going to hurt Rory again.

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