Moving On

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The next week lingered slowly, like a rain cloud floating through the air, not letting out it's rain, but rather just existing, full of anger and uncertainty. Rory and Jess were stuck in their beds, never wanting to get out and face the terrible, dreadful world.

Jess longed to cheer Rory up, all she did was cry. She barely ate or moved, and there was nothing Jess could do about it.

"Hey, Rory? I know you're upset...I am too. But it's gonna be alright ya know?" Jess hardly believed his own words.

Rory looked up with her pink puffy eyes, splotchy cheeks and tear drops falling down them. Jess crawled in bed beside her and kissed her cheek. "I love you."

Rory flashed a sincere smile. "I love you too, Jess."


Rory went to visit her mother and Luke, so she headed to the diner.

"Hey Rory!" Luke eagerly greeted.

"Hey, Luke." She replied, less cheerful.

"What can I make for you?" Luke adjusted his blue cap, the one Lorelai had given him numerous years ago.

"Just a pancake will do." Rory was not hungry, but couldn't just not eat because Luke was smart, he could tell when something was up.

"One pancake, comin' right up!"

Why is he so cheery? She thought to herself.

A couple walked in, pushing a baby in a baby stroller and when Rory saw, her heart began to fill with grief once again. Luke took notice that something was wrong.

"Rory? Hey, you okay?" He asked walking closer to the counter and getting a better look at Rory's distraught face.

Rory realized she had been openly dismangled about the situation and quickly snapped to reality. "Um, yea I'm fine." She mumbled, blinking her eyes a couple times to hide any tears that had been resting on the brim of her waterline.

"'re not." Luke knew. "Come here." Luke walked around and called to his customers. "We're closed, sorry."

"Luke, you don't have to do that. I'm fine, really." She lied.

"I may not have gone to Yale, but I'm smart enough to know that you are not fine." Luke grabbed her hand just like he had done when Rory was 5. She had been riding her bike, when she fell and scraped her knee. It had been right outside of Luke's diner and he could hear her crying from inside. He rushed out and reached for her small hand, which she willingly took, and guided her to the counter and fixed her up. Both Luke and Rory favored that memory, after all these years, Luke had always been there for her.

Rory collapsed onto Luke's chest, sobbing harder than she ever had around him. There had been times where Rory had a breakdown, and Luke was always a comfort, but this time her emotions let loose.

Luke held her close. "Shhh. Rory. It's okay."

" it's not." She choked out. "I c...can't have a baby." Her bottom lip was quivering and her nose portrayed a light pink shade.

"Oh, sweetheart." Luke managed. "I'm so sorry..."

Rory's cries grew harder, she needed Luke at this very moment. She always knew he was her dad. He may not be blood related, but he was closer to her than Christopher ever was.

Comforting Rory came natural to him, Rory was his daughter, he was there when Rory couldn't sleep as a toddler and Lorelai called him to help. He was there when Rory was 7 with the flu. He was there when Rory began middle school. He was there when Rory graduated High School. Luke was there for Rory her entire life and no matter what, he never failed to be her guide post for everything...aside from her mother.

"Let's get you home." When Rory wouldn't move, Luke carried her out to the car and drove her to his house.

"Home, Lorelai." He called when he walked into the house.

"I'm upstairs!"

Rory laid in the couch in till her mother made her way downstairs.

"Oh, Rory. What's wrong?"

Rory clung to Lorelai and began sobbing again. "I thought I was- But I wasn't- Now I can't-" Rory's cries brought tears to Lorelai's eyes.

"Oh, baby...wanna talk about it later?"

Rory just nodded and fell into her mother's lap. The two sat in the same spot for hours, just comforting each other. Lorelai would help Rory get through this.

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