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Rory woke up and looked around the room: no Jess.

"Jess?" She called.

"Yes?" Jess said from the other room. He was up watching TV.

"What are you doing?" Rory asked as she rubbed her eyes, her eyes hadn't adjusted to the light yet.

"Watching stuff. Sorry I didn't want to wake you up, but I couldn't sleep."

"It's okay. I'm going to get ready and head out to the store, I also need to see my mom. I never told her that I didn't take up that job. I guess she assumed I was waiting. But, I just can't take it now. I'm way to stressed for that." Rory sighed.

"Okay, you know you're amazing no matter what you do." Jess comforted and kissed her cheek.

"Thanks, Jess. See ya in a couple hours."

"See ya."

Rory hopped in get car and drove to her mom's. Lorelai and Luke were now engaged.

Rory rung the doorbell.

"Rory!" Yelled an excited Lorelai. "I thought you'd be in New York by now."

"Um, well. Plans changed." She said as she walked in the door.

"Yeah? What's up?" Lorelai questioned.

"Just, stuff. Nothing major really...anyway, how are you and Luke." Rory tried desperately to change the subject.

"We're good, Luke's upstairs getting ready."

Luke came downstairs with a weird hairstyle, he had it greased back and it looked darker. 

"Woah there, Danny and the T-birds wont be here for another 20 minutes!" Lorelai joked.

"Oh, please. I'm helping out at Aprils high school. It's for the play." Luke pondered. "Wait..Rory, shouldn't you be in NYC?"

"Uh, no. Plans changed..." Rory frowned.

Rory didn't know how to tell them that she just had slept with Jess less than 12 hours ago.

"Rory, what's going on. Tell me." Lorelai looked into Rory's eyes.

"I don't want to talk about it. Geez, mom. Can't I just live me life?" Rory went to her old room, she needed to cool off. She hated keeping stuff from her mom, but was afraid of her reaction.

"Rory, what's wrong with you?" Lorelai said with a hint of anger in her voice. She was both confused and angry at Rory for treating her like that.

Luke came over, "Want me to talk to her?" He offered.

"Sure, whatever.." Lorelai rolled her eyes. How could Rory not talk to her.

Luke knocked on the door.

"Mom, damn it. Can't you respect my privacy. I'm not 12 anymore. I'm 24." Rory yelled through the door.

"Well you sure act 12, kid." Lorelai butt in.

"I got this, Lorelai." Luke reassured. "Can I come in, hon?"

Rory felt embarrassed that Luke just witnessed her tantrum. She knew it was above her to act this childish. "...sure Luke." She managed to say.

"Rory, can you tell me what's going on? You can trust me, and your mom. You know Lorelai and I love you so much. She's been here your whole life."

"Yeah, I know Luke. I just don't want her to know I messed up again..." Rory blinked her eyes to hide the tears that started to form in her eyes.

"You know, no matter what you do, there's nothing that can make us not love you." Luke saw that Rory was upset, so he rubbed her back. "You do know that right?"

"I had sex with Jess!" She blurted. "Yup! That's right. Me and Jess had sex last night in MY apartment." Rory ran out the house and got her car to drive back to her apartment. Damn. Damn. Damn. Damn. She thought. "I'm such a child!" Rory said to herself.

Meanwhile at Luke and Lorelai's, Lorelai was almost as upset as Rory was.

"I'm a terrible mother. I can't even get my daughter to talk to me." Lorelai laughed in a sarcastic tone to hide the sadness in her voice. "She goes and has sex and doesn't feel like she could tell me."

"You're not a terrible mother, she was just afraid that you would get mad at her..." Luke consoled.

Lorelai went up to take a shower and cool off from this terrible day.

Back at Rory's, she didn't see Jess, just a note. "Hey, I ran out to grab a couple things. I should be back soon.
Xoxo, Jess."

Rory thought the ending was sweet, but she wanted him there. She changed into pajamas and watched a movie.

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