Just One More

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Rory jumped in her car, and headed home. She had spent the night at her mothers.

She drove to Hartford, not knowing where to go, she was depressed. Suddenly, she felt jealousy for everyone in her life that got to raise a family. These thoughts made her speed up, she slammed on the gas and didn't stop in till she saw a sign labeled "Jack's Bar and Grill". She pulled into the parking lot and solemnly walked in. As she sat at the bar, the bartender greeted her. "Hello there young lady, what could I stir up for ya?"

"A margarita...for starters." I'll just have one.  Rory thought.

Meanwhile, Jess was worried sick. He had tried to call Rory about 50 times but no answer.


Rory sat and drank her margarita. "Ahh..." she rested the empty glass down. "Hey, bartender." She woozily gestured. "Hit me with another, as strong as you got."

The bartender did as told, and kept that up for a solid 30 minutes, 10 glasses later. "Anot-" she croaked before passing out over the counter. After coming to, only 10 seconds later, she stumbled out of the bar.

Fortunately, by this time, Jess had called Lorelai and Luke and they were on the search for her. It was 11:00 am, and they were all in a panic mood. Jess tried the cell again, and Rory picked up.

"H-hello?" She nasally answered.

"Rory? Oh my gosh, Rory! Where are you?" Jess practically yelled into the phone.

"Some bar...in Hartford." Rory admitted.

"I'm coming." Jess hung up and raced his car to the bar. "She's drunk." He told Luke and Lorelai who were sitting in the back. Lorelai turned to Luke in distress and he grabbed her hand tightly. "It's going to be okay." He consoled. "Sweetheart, I promise. Rory will be fine." Luke gave a sympathetic smile.

As they arrived, Jess rushed in the door and saw a dazed Rory. "Rory!" He called, helping her stand.

"Jesssssss." She laughed. "I lovvve you and your strong muscles. Ahhhh yesssss." Rory's drunken state broke Jess.

"Come on, lets get you home." Jess picked her up.

Lorelai gasped as she saw Jess walking out, carrying her fragile daughter in his arms. "My baby..." she whispered.

"She'll be alright, honey." Luke gripped her hand tighter and held her close.

Jess put Rory in back of his car, and she fell asleep between her mother and Luke. Jess decided to get her car later.

"Where am I?" Rory asked after 10 minutes of driving.

Lorelai's eye's widened. "You got drunk, wasted...Jess picked you up."

"Drunk? I wha-" Rory suddenly remembered driving fast and gulping down tons of alcohol, wanting an escape. "This is so embarrassing." She choked out.

"No, Rory-it's oka-" Luke started.

"Damn right it's embarrassing." Lorelai interrupted, angrily. It took her a second to calm down. "Hon, you know I love you more than life itself. Do you know what I would do without you? I'm sorry that you're embarrassed, but you can't go driving off and drinking away your problems."

Rory held her head, the car was spinning. "Mom, Luke, Jess...I'm so so sorry. I was just..." She took a deep breath. "...I was really upset...I hurt you guys."

They all sat quietly in the car and Jess dropped Lorelai and Luke off at their house. As they returned home, Jess picked up a sleeping Rory. She clung to him and he walked carefully. Jess laid her down gently on the couch and placed a soft, light green blanket over her small frame. Life was getting tough...how will the Gilmore's and the people closest to them get through it all?

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