I'm Sorry

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Rory lay awake, alone in her bedroom. She tried calling Jess four times, and texted him about 20. She was so worried, the worst case scenarios raced through her head.

Around 2:30 a.m., Jess came in the door but he was totally wasted.

"Where were you?" Rory demanded.

"Chill out Rory!" he yelled. "Always so uptight about everything. It's not like we're married. Damn."

Rory fought to hold back tears. Her lip started to quiver.

At the sight of that, Jess snapped out of it. He ran to Rory. "Rory, listen. I'm sorry. I just got terrible news from my mom, and I took it out on you.."

Rory just quietly sniffled and refused to show her face. Jess was suddenly reminded of the time at the party. He had wanted Rory to have sex with him, and when she didn't, he had gotten bad. He'd always regret that day.

"Come on, talk to me." he begged.

"I...I trusted you." Rory sobbed."How could you do that to me?"

"Rory. I said I was sorry. I don't think it's that big of a deal. Sure I raised my voice and I apologized for hurting you, but you gotta give me a chance to explain. I'm human too, ya know?"

Rory knew he was right. "I know Jess, I'm sorry. You're a wonderful boyfriend I shouldn't be so protective."

"It's okay, I love you, doll." Jess went and kissed Rory.

Rory was fully awake now. "Want to watch a movie?"

"I'd love to, but I have to head to work in about 3 hours."

"Oh. Okay. Get your rest then, you need it."

Around 6:00 a.m, the alarm went off and Rory woke up. Jess was still sleeping. "Jess, get up. Your alarms ringing."

Jess slowly got up and got ready, he kissed Rory goodbye and left.

Rory needed to apologize to Luke and her mom. She took a shower, got ready, then made breakfast. Around 8:00, she headed to The Dragonfly Inn. She walked in the door and saw Sookie, frantically running around. "Hey sweetie!"

"Hey, Sookie. Do you know where my mom is?"

"Last I saw she was heading to the kitchen."


Rory sat on a chair by the front, waiting for her mom. Michel walked past. "Rory, what are you doing here? We are extreeeeemley busy and you and in the way." Oh Michel...she thought to herself.

"There's like 3 people in chairs." Rory said.

"Well we could get busy, and when we do, you'd be in the way." Michel persisted. He wouldn't give up. Rory just rolled her eyes.

Suddenly, Lorelai walked by, and she looked surprised to see Rory.

"Hey, mom."

"Um, hey Rory..."

"I just wanna say sorry about last night." Rory got up and looked down.

"It's okay, sweets." She said as she wrapped Rory in a hug.

Rory headed out to Luke's diner, her mind raced. Jess had told her earlier that something happened with his mom, and never got around to telling her. Well, she never actually asked.

Luke saw Rory walk in. "Hey." He called.

"Hey, Luke."

"What can I get for you?"

"Just coffee, thanks. Actually, Luke...I have a question for you."

"Hit me with it." He said as he handed Rory her cup of coffee.

"Well, Jess was saying that something bad happened with his mom, do you know?"

Luke stopped and his eyes showed concern."No, I don't know...what happened?" Luke asked not realizing that Rory wouldn't know either considering she asked him.

"I'll talk to him tonight." Rory assured. "I'll let you know as soon as I know."

"Thank you." Luke said. "Want a to-go cup of coffee?"

"No thanks, I should head back to the apartment. I need to clean."

"Okay. See ya."

"Bye Luke."

Rory went home and began to fix the bed, she heard a ringing and looked to the bed-side table where Jess left his phone. She peeked over and saw a message on his phone. She stared at what it said, as her face burned with anger.

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