I'm Not Ready

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~I update almost every day so patience my good people.~

Rory sat in the diner and drank her coffee.

"Rory, want me to call your mom?" Luke offered.

"No, it's okay. I should head out, sorry to have you open up this late..." Rory half smiled.

"Oh, no it's fine, Rory. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes. Thank you, Luke."

"No problem."

Rory got up and headed back to her apartment, she laid in her empty bed for an hour before getting up and walking around. After realizing she couldn't sleep, she turned on the TV. I Love Lucy reruns were on. The show she watched with her mom, and even Dean sometimes.

Rory didn't want to be alone, she knew she loved Jess, but he left her.

Rory felt her stomach growling. She went and looked into her fridge and took out some pasta salad that she loves. Rory took began eating but suddenly felt sick. Rory rushed to the bathroom and threw up. No. No. Not this. Not possible.

Rory got up and went to the store. It was only 4 weeks since me and Jess....Oh no, Jess. It can't be. No, please God no! She got a pregnancy test and rushed back home.

It was waiting time...Rory paced the bathroom, praying that the test was negative. I'm not ready for a baby. I can't do this alone. Tears started to rush down her face. "Please. Please." She quietly said.

Time was up, she looked down at the test.

"I guess I need to call Jess." Rory sighed and fell to the floor.

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