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Previously Rory saw a message on Jess's phone, she seemed angry...

Hey, Jess. Sorry about last night. I just think Rory is a little too much for you right now. Sure, you two had a past, but she's a trouble maker. Remember the time she stole that boat with her ex, Logan? You came to me amazed that she would ever do such things. She's not good for you, Jess. But you will do whatever you want regardless. Take care, son.

Rory stared at the phone, contemplating whether to text back or leave it alone. "It's Jess's phone." She said to herself. "I shouldn't reply." Rory paced the room. "How could his mom say that stuff? She doesn't know me that well. Sure, I made mistakes!" Rory was practically yelling at herself now. Instead of interfering in Jess's texts, she called her mom.

"Hello?" Lorelai answered.

"Mom, I got a problem. Jess's mom totally hates me." Rory panicked.

"Settle down there, partner. I doubt that, why would she hate you?"

"I saw a message on Jess's phone. She said how I'm a 'trouble maker.' No I'm not! And Jess told Liz that I stole the boat with Logan? Really?! Why would he do that, it was my past." Rory wanted to cry, but controlled herself.

"Rory, if Liz thinks you're a trouble maker because of one mistake, that's her problem. She isn't exactly a saint. She left Jess with Luke because she couldn't handle it, she has her own mistakes to take care of before talking bad about you." Lorelai felt some regret when she said that. Liz had fixed her life up, she seemed so nice to Rory and everyone.

"I know, mom. I'm just upset that Liz doesn't like me..." Rory sighed, gaining control of her anger.

"Sweets, don't let her get to you. You're an amazing person, and if people can't see that, they must be blind."

"Well, I better go. Paris asked me to hang out today, I haven't seen her in weeks."

"Bye, hon. Love you."

"Love you too, mom." Rory hung up and changed into a light blue cardigan with jeans.

Rory pulled up to Paris's house. "Hello, Rory." Paris greeted.

"Hey, how are you? I've missed you so much!"

"I've missed you too! Guess what?"

"What?" Rory smiled.

"I'm pregnant!" Paris cheered. "I'm 5 weeks I just found out two days ago!"

"Congratulations, Paris! That's amazing. Doyle's, right?"

"Yes, I am not a slut that sleeps around with every man I see, Marie Antoinette took that job already." Paris said in her well known sarcastic tone. "Anyway, you want any coffee?"


Rory and Paris sat, drank their coffee, and chatted. Eventually, Rory left to her apartment to see Jess sitting on the couch, watching Tv.

"Hey." Rory said.

"Hey." Jess replied, not moving his eyes from the television screen.

"How was work?" Rory tried to start a conversation as she went to the kitchen to start dinner.

"Good." Jess replied.

I feel like we've been married for years. Rory thought. I do all the cooking and he just sits and watches tv. What a stereotype.

"Jess, I need to talk to you." Rory sighed.

"What now, Rory?" Jess seemed annoyed.

"Hey, don't talk to me like that, where's this coming from?"

"Where's what coming from?" Jess rolled his eyes.

"This attitude." Rory pushed her hair out of her face. "You've been acting so different lately."

"Alright, why don't you just mind your own business, Rory? Geez." With that, Jess sat up and turned off the tv.

"Maybe I wouldn't be in your business if your stopped telling your mom how terrible I am." Rory snapped.

Jess stopped and turned around. "How did you know I talked to her?"

Rory panicked, she couldn't tell him she saw his phone. "Um..well.." Rory gulped. "You told me you had a bad talk with your mom..." Lame. Rory thought.

"I never told you why!" He yelled. "You're going through my phone now? Where can I get some privacy around here?" Jess walked out and slammed the door, leaving Rory completely alone...again.

Rory picked up her phone and dialed a number.


"Hey Dean, it's Rory..."

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