Chapter 2 The boy

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"Hi guys!" Says my friend Julie.

Julie is a girl with very long hair like Jazzy, but instead of dark brown it's light brown and her eyes are hazel. Shes very white so when she laughs she makes me laugh because her eyes are like watery and shes red ,so yeah. She nice and all. We've been friends for almost six years already.

"Hey Julie, Cazzie, and Makayla."I said pulling them into a hug into a hug. The boy that was with them just looked at us and stayed quiet.

He was really cute. He had like the Emo/Scene style. He had black hair that swept over his eyes so I couldn't see them. His lips were almost too perfect. He wasn't too skinny but a pretty good size. He was wearing black skinnies and a BVB t-shirt that was black with the band printed on it with blue. Also, he was a little taller than me. As I noticed all of these small details ,like the curve of his perfect nose and his adorable cheekbones, my belly was out of control with butterflies. He was like a boy out of my many imaginary stories.

I noticed that he saw me staring at him and quickly turned away. Makayla and Cazzie were talking about something they saw during the summer, something about a new One Direction poster. Jazzy right away got in the conversation after se heard the word "1d". These girls and 1D.

I don't exactly obsess over them but I don't go around saying " 1D is gay" or "they're not even good" and stuff like that.

Cazzie and Makayla are very alike. Makayla is a little shorter than Cazzie and has thinner hair than all of us , and it's a brownish color. CAZZIE has hair that is think and looks black. They both love to look their best and they do it well. We have been friends for a little over three years.

The boy was just standing there , quiet as a mouse. So I wanted to start a conversation but didn't know what to say so I thought about it. Being around a boy makes me nervous. I've never been good with boys. Finally I thought of something.

I turned to him , smiled ,and said "Hey, I'm Yajaira. So your new to this school , right ?" It totally sounded better in me head. No well duh he's new to the school ugg Yajaira your so stupid.

When he noticed i was talking to him, his head shot up and i caught a glimpse of his eyes they were majestic and a beautiful shade of gray mixed with blue. Making me think of the clouds on a stormy day. He looked shocked, so I gave him a gentle smile , as to encourage him. He then wiped his hair to get his hair out of his majestic eyes making me gasp. I looked down ,embarrassed, hoping he didn't noticed.

He looked down.

Maybe I embarrassed him. I feel stupider than before.

Finally he says while looking at the ground and kicking a little stone, "Umm hi and uhh Yeah I'm new to this school. Sorry I took time to answer I got ...uhh ... Nervous."

"It's okay. I get that way to. Sorry about that. You know the gasp. It's just ... Your eyes...", I said as I looked down at his feet to see what was so interesting that he kept his eyes on it. A little stone. Who would have guessed.

"What about them?" He asks slightly glancing at me then going back to the little stone he was playing around with.

"I just.." I didn't even get to finish when he swept his hair to the side and I made eye contact with him. My dull brown eyes widened and locked with his gray and blue eyes. They looked so broken and full of secrets never before told. I didn't want to stop looking into his majestic eyes ,and the truth is I couldn't even if I wanted to.

I got my mind together and looked down as I blushed for staring at him ,for what seemed like eternity ,but not long enough.

He chuckled a little and looked down blushing too. Staying silent.

The silence was broken by something I hear every time I'm having a one on one conversation...with a boy.

"What?! Yajaira flirting !" All of my little group of friends say at the same time.

And here comes the awkwardness of the day. I should have seen this coming.

I remembered what one guy had said when my friends said that to us and I put it to use.

"Jealous much?" I said while I gave them a big smile and winked at all of them.

We all started to laugh uncontrollably. We've always been the kind of people who are still laughing five minuets after the joke. We actually laugh at random and fund stuff so we don't get bored much.

Bell rang so we all had to get to class


I was in math class relaxing after I finished my paper , when it hit me ...

The boy never told me his name.

Authors Note:

I used my name and my friends names so yeah.

It wasn't too long or too short.

It's still a little boring because I'm still introducing the characters I'm sorry.

Hope you liked it. I'm just starting so just give me tips to help me please.


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