Chapter 5

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Jacks P.O.V

I felt the rough hand on my shoulder push me to the ground.

I kneeled at the force of his strong grip on my shoulders.

They all made a circle around me and all I could do was struggle to get out of this guy's grip.

"Hey look it's a new emo boy !" Says one of the guys then laughed. He had a smirk on his face I wanted to punch off.

Everyone just stared at him. He looked like the stupid one but you can't judge by cover.

"No shit !" Said the guy with the short ,light brown hair and smacked the other one ,that had just said something, on the back of the head.

They all laughed

Yup he's the stupid one.

All of them looked like clones. Team jerseys with blue jeans.


They all analyzed me as to choose where to give the first hit.

I just hoped they hit me anywhere but my back. Please , please not the back.

I stared at them with the empty expression I used on my father.

"So you been cutting lately?" Said the alpha looking guy. Tallest and most muscular one. He had the floor.

"What are you? A detective?" I say quietly ,yet loud enough for them to hear , while looking down at the floor.

The "alpha" grabbed my hair on the back of my head and pulled it back so I was face to face with him.

All I could do was stand my ground and look at him directly in the eyes. My eyes were calm yet determined. His , on the other hand, were full of anger and rage.

All I saw in his eyes was my dad. And anger raised in me.

"I'm the one who asks the questions! Not you !" He says in my face. His breath smelled of bubblegum mixed with tobacco.

Fucking potheads.

Everyone got closer to me. I started to feel suffocated. I felt like walls were closing in on me.

I got a feeling in my gut. Not the normal kind. It was like a tight squeezing then turning. It wasn't painfull just uncomfortable. Like if my body was telling me to run or hit with all my might. Almost like an instinct I never new I had.

Then I felt it.

A fist to the side of my stomach. My eyes shut tight from the pain. I reflexed by trying to grab my side ,but my arms were automatically pulled to my back by a very strong person. The "alpha" let go of my head for a chance to hit me.

Another hit to my stomach, this time with a foot. I felt like a football being kicked for a field goal. My guess, it was the "alpha".

If a soccer ball had feelings and was hit like this it would die. That's what I wanted to do die.

The strong arms released my arms ,which were behind my back , in pain.

My eyes opened just in time to see a fist headed for my face.

My cheekbone was numb in pain from the force of the hit. My eyes watered as i closed them. Then I was pushed back by someone's foot in my stomach.

My back hit the floor followed by my head. My back cried in pain and I could do was gasp for air. I started to think in what it would be like if I was dead. This wouldn't be happening. I wouldn't feel pain and I wouldn't cause pain. No one would care.

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