Chapter 9

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*Jacks POV*

I walked into the boys restroom. I had to see if it what I'm thinking was true.

I walked to the mirror and lifted my shirt turning 360 degrees to see my whole torso. I was right. My cuts and bruises had healed even the ones on my face. Moonly probably did it. I felt satisfied with my answer and headed out of the boys bathroom. I see Yaya still a little far off from the girls restroom. As I got closer I realized her head was hug low. This was not good sign. She could be sad which means turning wolf. I started running towards her. Her head shoots up and I grab her shoulders and look her in the eye.

"Are you okay?" I asked and see her eyes water after a while of looking into my eyes.

Shit shit... Oh shit.

She started to sob and she looked panicked. Her eyes shot in all directions looking around. She cover her mouth to quiet the sobs. I couldn't take it, seeing her like this. I wrapped my arms around her tightly and securely. She leaned into my chest and I felt so right. I was her protecter.

I looked down at her to see her eyes flooding with tears. Her cry was not like others, it was humble and silent. Sorta. She tried to quiet her sobs by stopping them in her throat which made a sound.

She closed her eyes and tilted her head up to look at me but with her eyes closed. She opened them up slightly to reveal shiny and clear silver eyes. My eyes stared in awe but then I remember that this meant she's turning into her wolf form.

"Yayas, your eyes." I told her.

"Wa- what?" She said in between her quiet sobs while looking at me in the eyes with her silver eyes flooding in tears.

"Your turning. Your eyes are silver. " I held her tight as I started to head for the forest area while hugging her close.

She gasped but said nothing else. She walked with me losing balance from time to time. We finally reached the forest and I turned her to face me.

Her eyes were sparkling with fury. They were bright and shiny, yet clear. Her eyes looked like crystals, so precious.

"Are... Th-they still... S-silv-er?" She was calming down now but she was still sad. Her sobs quietly continued.

I looked her deep in her eyes and saw nothing but Yayas. Her eyes resembled her in many ways that I probably don't know.

"What makes you happy?" I blurted out loud. I looked down embarrassed of blurting out a question.

"What?! Why? Oh wait... Right." She snapped at me at first but she got it after thinking about it. I'm glad she got distracted from the sadness. "Umm ..."

Was she embarrassed of telling me ?! Why ?

I felt sorta hurt.

"Well I'm happy when ... It's stupid." She looked down breaking eye contact and I saw a few tear drops fall. I felt my self whine inside because I wanted to know what made her happy. Was I really...? No.

I looked up at her but she was still looking down. I noticed that she had ears poking out from underneath her hair.


I wrapped my arms around her waist and turned her towards the forest so that just in case I don't know what makes her happy she'll be far from civilization.

"Come on let's get a little far in the forest just incase. " I say as I start to push branches to the side so Yayas could pass.

She quietly let the tears run down her face.

WTF? What happen? Why is she so sad?

"Umm what makes... me happy is ... feeling loved and like I'm not just breathing ... I wanna feel like I'm living I'm Alive. " She said quietly. Her tears still falling just a little less. She pushed a branch to her side so she could pass. I did the same.

We walked into an opening in the forest far from school and civilization.

Wow she's deep. If only I spoke girl. All I thought about when she said that was holding her in my arms so she could feel loved ... By me. Was I really going to put her in my life? This life that I hate.

Yes. I ... I think I love her.

I heard her step behind me and I turned around to see her sitting down. They way she was so gentle and graceful about her movements ... I wanted her. I felt disgusted of myself for thinking in things that were selfish and not helpful... or actually... no. No this is not going to happen.

"Yayas?" I say as I walk over to sit next to her.

I turned to look at her. She had a fluffy wolf like tail in her hands ,that poked out from her tailbone area under her shirt, her wolf ears that poked out from her hair and were pulled back in submission and finally her silver eyes which had no more tears.

Her ears twitched to the sound of my voice.

"Yeah?" She responded. She was no longer crying but the sadness remained in her voice. Her voice was one of the sweetest things I've ever heard ... I just noticed that now.

"Do... Who... Are you in love ?" I asked. Wow that came out worse than I thought it would.

I was going to confess.

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