Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I was on my way home from the first day of school, when I saw the boy that had come with my friends and I had talked to this morning.

No one else was around this area, well usually not many people hang out here. Its the farthest place from the class rooms with benches , its in between the school parking lot (which is my way of getting home and to school) and a green forest. School hasn't made a fence to separate the forest and school so it was sort of enchanted looking.

He was sitting on a bench all by himself with earphones on. The music was pretty loud. I couldn't exactly make out the words but the guitar solo was clear. The way he was hunched over just looking at the floor got me thinking.

I continued walking up to him and noticed something I hadn't before.

He had a bruise on his cheek.

I was 100% sure he didn't have that this morning. I checked him out top to bottom and I am a kind of person that doesn't miss a thing.

I tapped him on the shoulder and he glanced fast at me ,then looked down.

"Hey. You never told me your name." I smiled at him while taking a seat at his side.

I set my backpack down by my feet so my shoulders and back could rest.

"Umm hey." He just sat there serious an sad looking.

There it is again he didn't tell me his name. Who cares he'll tell me later.

"You okay?" I was starting to worry. He had a bruise on his cheek and a sad look on his face. Something wasn't right.

"Yeah. Why?" He didn't notice that I saw his bruise.

"It's just..." I didn't know what to say I went completely blank.

"Just what?" He sounded annoyed. I could tell he wanted to be alone but I had a feeling in my gut that wouldn't leave.

"Look at me." I said seriously as I turned so that we could be face to face.

"Why?" He was shocked. He held his hands together as he was wiping sweat from his hands.

I stayed quiet so he wouldn't feel to pressured. He looked troubled I didn't want to make it worse.

"Please?" I say in a gentle and calm voice.

He swept he bangs to the side still looking down.

He took a deep breath to where his shoulders rose as he inhaled and then fell as he exhaled.

I gently place my hand on his shoulder as to encourage.

Finally he turns his body toward me and lifts his face, not making eye contact.

My hand falls from his shoulder and over my mouth.

"Oh my ..." I say in a whisper while covering my mouth.

His bottom lip was broken and his cheek bone was covered by a purplish bruise. He also had a cut on his left eyebrow with a little bit of dry blood.

I reached out my hand to touch his bruise. As I got closer he scoot so I wouldn't touch him.

He bit his lip where it wasn't broken and looked back down.

I scooted closer to where we were almost touching. I looked at the ground for a while and I listened to the noises of the little forest.

I got lost in my thoughts.

I couldn't believe what I saw it was awful. It hurt me to see him like this and I didn't even know him ,which made it weird. I wanted to help but I didn't know how.

A little twig snapped nearby making my head shoot up to look at what had made that noise.

It was just an overgrown squirrel .

It ran up the tree after just sitting there twitching it's nose for a while.

I followed it with my eyes until the tree branches hid the animal from me.

I looked over at the boy by me. He was in the same positions, just staring at the ground and hunched over.

"Umm you never told me your name ..." I broke the silence.

He looked up at the sound of my voice.

"It's Jack." He says sternly. Looking back down at the ground and kicking a little stone on the floor.

I smiled at the fact he actually answered me. I expected him to just stay quite and glance at me a little.

"Cool name." I looked over at him.

His bangs were in his face so I couldn't see his beaten face.

"Umm... What happen?" I wasn't sure if it was right for me ask but it was killing me not to know.

He shifted a little. Obviously uncomfortable with my question. Like a memory you really don't want to remember but its become a part you.

I prefer for him to let it all out , talking to me. Than to take the risk of him doing something stupid.

"Well..." He started.

I didn't mean to but I gripped his hand with mine.

He seemed shocked and I think I did to so I just gave him a friendly and gentle smile. He kept his hand there.

"So what happen was ..."

Authors Note:

Finally we know his name JACK ! What do you think happened to him? What do you think about him? What do you think about Yajaira? Why do you think it took him so long to tell Yajaira his name?

So hopefully this was a good chapter. I tried my best.

Tell me what you think about it !

Thx for reading!

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