Girl Meets High School Part One

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Chapter 34

Logan's pov

Today was the first day of high school. Riley and Maya were pumped, as was everyone else. We would rule high school like we did with Middle School.

"This is it! High school!" Maya yelled as her and Riley barged in.

"We're gonna own this place!" Riley added.

The rest of us looked to the sides and saw two girls lying on the ground. We shrugged it off and walked up the stairs in awe of how big, and different, the whole school was.

"You know," Farkle started and I turned around, "I'm glad we're here together Isadora. It gives me a feeling which I can only describe as-"

"Stuck?" Smackle got closer to Farkle.

"Isadora, Farkle finding the one and only Smackle let's me know the universe has order in our existence and it isn't just some random coincidence."

I smiled at how romantic Farkle could be, but then frowned when three other girls who looked exactly like Smackle came up.

"Hello random coincidence ladies!" Farkle flirted and Smackle and I punched him.

"I thought they were you!" he said to Smackle then turned to me. "I thought they were her!"

We both gave him a look and I walked off.

"Riles?" Maya got Riley's attention and asked, "What if we don't own this place?"

Riley and I looked at her in shock, "Maya life wouldn't do that, we're us." she grabbed our hands.

We looked over and saw huge basketball players next to Lucas and Zay, "Us in Jurassic Park." Zay said.

The players walked off laughing. I was starting to get worried, maybe Maya's right.

"Oh come on." Lucas told us, "They're just people in high school." As a guy, taller than Lucas, walked out and past him. "You know who goes to our high school?" Lucas asked Zay. "Thor."

The guy walked back with two other girls and watched us.

"I heard that even the best friendships can come apart in high school." Riley looked at us. "But that couldn't happen to us, right? Promise me that no matter what happens we will always stick together."

Maya and I were about to respond, but then the bell rang.

"Maya!" Riley screamed, "Logan!" And we all got separated and somehow, I ended up in a locker.

"We're gonna own this place!" Farkle yelled.

I know we aren't. High school is not for us, there is no way we can make it through this.

Mya helped me out and RIley got up, "Look! A patriot! We're Abigail Adam's patriots!" She stood in front of the tiles proudly. "We're just as much a part of this place as anyone else!" Maya walked over to RIley.

I looked over at the boy and two girls who have been watching us since we got here. I knew they didn't feel the same way as Riley did, and I wanted to get out of here as soon as possible. I should've gone with Shawn.

Shawn left for his trip and wouldn't be back to quite awhile. I acted cool, like I didn't care. But really, I do care. I wanted him here, especially right now. I have no idea how to handle high school.

"Get in the hole." the girl with black hair ordered.

"Of course we'll go in the hole." Riley said.

"What are you?" the two girls walked over.

"I'm Riley." she said nervously.

"What are you?" the blonde girl asked.

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