Girl Meets Stalker

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Chapter 45

Logan's pov

I walked down the street after being with Charlie for the evening. I was smiling ear to ear with happiness, something I haven't felt in awhile. I felt stress off my shoulder, like I didn't have to keep worrying about everything, just that I had someone who could be honest with me.

As I walked home, something didn't feel right. Charlie had left me a block ago, so now I was alone. I felt a presence as I walked down the sidewalk. With a chill being sent down my spine, I picked up my pace, walking swiftly. I heard footsteps behind me pick up as well. Too scared to turn round I picked up the pace again. Behind my picked up as well.

Soon I began to run, sprinting as fast as I could, not daring to look back. Looking back tackles energy, and I was not gonna waste my energy.

I finally turned the corner, almost home, and the footsteps stopped behind me. I was gonna stop to take a breath, but a bush rustled. I sprinted away with my jacket almost flying off and me having to adjust it every five seconds.I finally made it into the building and I gasped for breath, holding my arms over my head. I calmed down before I went up to see Shawn, I did not want him suspicious of what was going on.

Who was that following me?


The next day had been awkward between everyone, but mostly me, Zay, Farkle, and Lucas. For some reason Maya and Riley were also not speaking to them. I had wanted to ask why, but decided to mind my own business.

"So, Logan, do you want to hang out later?" Maya asked and I nodded.


"Perfect, cause we need to talk to you." Riley smiled. I nodded, acting like I was totally cool with it, but I was eternally freaking out.

Talking to you is another way of say, "You have a problem and it needs to be fixed." That's never good. I never really thought that this would happen now, I thought I was safe. I thought I was doing ok, but I guess not. Maybe I upset them by hogging all the attention. Or maybe they were mad that I haven't ben spending time with them, after wall, they are my first friends.

I shrugged it off and went into class where Mr. Matthews was waiting. The lesson today I was hoping could help, just maybe.

Lucas' pov

After school I went to the baseball field, where the batting cages were. As I went on there, I remembered Logan telling me she was an orphan. All the memories are back with her and I. How can she not like me?

I thought was had something. I felt something, I guess she didn't. She told me her deepest secrets, and I did the same. We were always there for each other, to listen. It meant more than anyone would think. I could tell her whatever, and she wouldn't judge me. She would just listen, sometimes throw in her input, then continue to listen, I would do the same, but I guess that meant nothing.

I sighed and threw my bat on the ground in frustration. I ran my hands threw my hair and stood there for a minute, making my mind stay sane and not break. I took a deep breath and finally came back to my normal self. I picked back up my bat and looked around, sighing,

Maybe I should just give up.

Logan's pov

"What's up?"

I sat down next to Maya and Riley was to her left, away from me. I kept my calm as they sighed.

"Logan, what;s going on?" Maya asked.

"What do you mean?" I questioned confused.

"You haven't been yourself. We rarely see you, no one does." Riley explained. "What are you hiding from us?"

I sighed, finally ready to tell them. "If I tell you, you have to swear you won't tell anyone."

"Ok." they both nodded.

"You can't, no one knows and I don't want anyone to know."

"We won't, we swear." Riley spoke for the both of them.

I explained about last night, leaving out Charlie. I explained the moments where I felt someone watching me, the strange noises at night, being watched. Always feeling like someone is watching my every moment, like they're plotting. The worst part is, there was nothing I could do, no one could do anything. Sure, they could call the police and have them scout, but the person would've already been gone b then. No matter what I did, he or she would always be there.

"Maybe we can tell Shawn" maya said.

'No!" I quickly stopped her before she could continue. "No one could know, I'm already in trouble for telling you guys is they're here. No one can know, you can never speak of this."

"Logan, if you have a stalked we need to do something.

"Riley you swore, none of you can do anything." I told them. The two looked at each other, finally realizing their defeat and sighed.

No one can do anything about this, only me. I just had to figure something out.

A/N: New Year, new chapters, new events.

Who do you think is watching Logan? Or is she just paranoid?

Happy New Years to all! I'm so excited for where this book is going and the direction I'm gonna take it ;) 2016 was great for all of us and terrible at the same time, let's get ready to make the best of 2017 and make it better than 2016!

Thanks for reading! Please vote! :)

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