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Before reading this I have to say something- Did you guys here the rumors that Gwen Stacy has already been cast for the new Spiderman movie? Even if it's not Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone, this could mean for some serious new Gweter moments. YAY!!!! How do you guys feel?????

*Peter's POV*

I watched as Gwen walked towards the window, before unlocking and lifted it up.

"Hi," she said, obvious surprise laced in her tone.

I flashed her an awkward smile, as she giggled and let me in.

Gwen watched as I entered the room, and gave me a questioning look, waiting for me to explain.

Not being able to think of anything else, from memory I recite, "Your doorman's intimidating." I gulp back the tears that oh so much want to come out.

But instead of laughing like she had the first time, Gwen furrows her brow in obvious confusion, and I can see it in her eyes.

A spark of recollection in her green eyes.

I hold my breath, waiting, before she quickly shakes her head and flashes an inconvincing smile, "Sorry, spaced out there."

Smiling sadly, I step further into her room. "Are you doing good?"

She rolls her eyes, "Peter, you seriously left me only two hours ago."

I shrug, "Hey I love-" Her eyes widen and I quickly recover. "Being helpful. Yes I love that. So much."

"Anyways," I say, changing the subject. "I was thinking maybe you wanted to like hang out- watch a movie or something? Keep your mind off things.

Gwen smiled, "I'd like that."

She grabs my wrist and leads me out to the living room, where her two young brothers, Simon and Howard are sitting watching a movie of some sort.

"Hey guys, can you watch this is the other room? Peter and I need this one," Gwen asked and crashes onto the couch.

Simon groans as Howard whines, "Ugghh Gwen......"

I laugh as Gwen frowns. She turns to me, "Well if you think it's so funny Mr. Parker, we'll stay here and watch whatever cheesy movie this is."

I shrug, "Fine." I sit on the couch, uncomfortable. How close am I supposed to be? What's close enough that's it's not awkward, but not too far? Am I supposed to put my arm around her? Do friends do that?

But Gwen is able to disperse of my thoughts completely when she snuggles close to me, resulting in me automatically wrapping my arms around her waist.

Howard and Simon both look at us, but remain silent. Gwen's mom must have mentioned to them about not saying anything to Gwen and I once being a couple.

I try paying attention to the movie, I really do, but it's so hard. Basically it's about this man trying to complete a mission with before realizing his best friend is in fact his mission.

It's a good movie, but it's easy to get distracted when Gwen Stacy was sitting super close to you.

I wanted to tangle my hands in her hair and offer her a more-than-friends hug. I wanted caress her cheek and slowly kiss her on the mouth. Yet I couldn't.

I had to be thankful for what I had though. She was alive and hadn't died from the Golbin. She was here with me.

Taking a deep breath, I pull Gwen closer, and manage to finish the rest of the movie.


Okay, so that was longer than the past chapter, plus some Gweter fluff, so how do you think it was?

Please read and review!

PS- Do you think you guys are able to guess what movie Gwen and Peter were watching? Heheh ;)


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