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Peter's POV

I heard her bedroom door slam closed, leaving me alone in the room.

"Gwen..." I whispered quietly, before realizing how pathetic I must have looked. I could feel pressure building behind my eyes as I tried to stop myself from crying. Taking deep breaths, I tried to control the breathing that wanted to escape so badly. I turned around and slowly opened the door leading out of her apartment, letting myself out.

_ _ _ _

I didn't even seem to get five blocks away before I began to feel my spidey senses start to tingle. Sighing, I swung myself up to the roof of a building and revealed my costume. Swinging over the city skyscrapers, it soon become clear to me what the problem was.

Car thiefs. So typical. 

Sliding down, I snuck behind the man crouching in the front seat, patiently waiting for him to becone aware of my presence. He tore through the compartments, either smiling menacingly or tossing it it with a shrug at whatever he found. 

My patience running low, I carelessly webbed his wrist to the steering wheel. "Couldn't be simplier," I said smugly, crossing my arms.

He craned his head back and his eyes darkened at what he saw, "Hey, you're Spiderman!"

I rolled my eyes from under my mask and say sarcastically, "Really, I had no idea."

I am aware of a bad foreboding feeling, but I push it away. My ex-girlfriend just undfriended me, after all. That had to be it.

I began to study the man in front of me. Stocky build, short cropped hair (I assumed) hidden by a dark hat. Nothing out of the ordinary. 

I began to step foreward, until I suddenly felt a blinding pain in my left shoulder. I involunatary shrieked as I felt another jab to my back. I roll my eyes back to see someone looming over me., There is an evil look in his eye, his hands gripped around the hilt of a knife gleaming in red.

"No," I say and stretch a web out, yanking the blade from his grip. There was the faint sound of police cars in the distance, and I quickly webbed the other man securely. The authorities would deal with both of them later.

Trying to stop the pool of blood, I slowly trailed home. All I wanted to do was collapse and let unconsiousness take over until all my pain- emotional and physical- could go away.


I am so sorry.....this was the crappiest chapter probably in the history of chapters, but I need to set up the next scene.

Please read and review!


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