1.3 - Woman down

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Very gently I closed the door behind me. A strong smell, like gas, smoke and oil filled my nose as soon as I had turned around. I noticed my fast breathing and high pulse, but I couldn't do anything about it. I was scared.

With slow steps I walked down the long hallway with stone walls. Trying not to be recognised I pulled the hood further over my head, though I knew that my face was fully covered. I was just being paranoid.

I didn't dare to look up. My eyes were aimed toward the floor and my moving feet. What if I met Brad? He would recognise me at once.

The thought made me bend my neck even more and go with such a bad posture Quasimodo would be embarrassed.

I made a turn to my right and walked down a small staircase. I had no idea how far up this building I was, so walking down was better than walking up. I won't make the same mistake I did at Luke's when I almost cracked both my legs in the fall.

It got darker and darker and I began suspect that I might have been walking into a basement.

When I saw a thick grey door I decided to give my gut a chance and open it. To my luck it wasn't locked like the rest of the doors in this house. But the sight surprises me.

I came into a white room. It was huge like an airport and crowded like a Victoria's Secret sale. People were running all around the place with guns and such in their hands and a big screen was placed in the middle of the room. It was like a GPS or some kind of map. Trackers?

Suddenly I shook my head and came back to reality. There were at least 100 people in here and I bet no one would recognise me, but I had to be sure. With a low head I began walking through the crowds of people.

I realised somethings as I walked against the stream. 1. I hadn't seen any woman so far and 2. Men smell and behave like shit. Seriously. Each meter I walked at least one man walked into my shoulder without apologising or even glance at me. Maybe they knew?

I pulled my sleeves over my hands and continued to walk towards nearest wall. Better to keep out of sight and press myself against something so I could breath and maybe find a way out of here.

I was just about to lean against the stone wall when a red light filled the room and a warning signal echoed which made everyone stop.


My head shot up and stared at the big screen. And now I saw it. It was a map or some kind of radar over the area. But something was different.

A red dot were moving in the outer corner of the map.

"They are within a mile! Put on the cameras!" I recognised Brad's voice which made me glance down in my feet again with a nervous stare.

Soon a new screen came up, but this one was divided into small squares. It looked like a huge camera system. Due to the dark evening the cameras could hardly show anything visible. They were moving around, trying to get a glimpse of the moving item on the radar.

And suddenly one of them did.

My pulse raced away.

My eyes widened.

I was scared.


Luke was the red item on the radar. He was within a mile or so. Quickly I glanced towards the radar and saw him coming closer to the building. Luke, stop!

"IT'S HEMMINGS!!" Brad yelled and pointed towards a wide door only a few feet away from me that opened immediately. Around 10 men ran through it with their guns above their heads.

Protect me - Luke Hemmings PunkWhere stories live. Discover now