4.2 - Luke fucking Hemmings

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Emmy's P.O.V

With force he tugged on my arm. his thumb was presseing harshy against my bicep and I felt my blood having a difficult time passing through the veins. I was pretty much numb from his grip to the tip of my fingers, that's how hard he was holding me.

"Move your fucking feet."

"I can't walk any faster!"

I glanced behind me just to see Jennifer being dragged behind another man, just like I was. Her eyes met mine and I could see just how terrified she really was. But so was I. I din't know how long we had been walking through the mansion, but I could feel the sweat creep up my back. I was exhausted.

Suddenly the man holding me came to a sudden stop which made be bump into his broad shoulders. With a groan I regained my balance right when he turned to look over his shoulder with a serious expression.

"We're here." Was all he said and turned the door handle around. He was just about to take a step inside when a man walked past us and straight into the dark, dark room. I recognised the ugly behind of Dave. As soon as he had walked through the door frame he pressed his palm against the switch and the lights came on. Before my eyes were able to adjust to the bright light the man holding me began walking, which caused me to be jerked with him. 

"Hood! Clifford! Wake up, you have guests."

before I could react to what dave was saying i was being pushed forward onto the ground. With a loud thud my knees hit the cold floor and I ended up lying on my hip. Only a split second after, jennifr appeared beside me and groaned quietly when she used her palms to sit up. Once my brain processed what dave had said, i directly looked before me.

There they were. 

Calum and Michael, both tied to two chair. Dried blood dripping down their foreheads. 

"I would love for them to joint you guys on the cahirs, but I'm afraid we're out, so we'll have to tie them against those smoking hot pipes in the corner. I hope tha's alright with you." dave said in a mocking way and crossed his arms over his chest and let out a hidious laugh. I sat up fully and glared angrily at the four men standing in the door way. 

"You are psychopaths." I hissed at them.

Dave stopped laughing, but the gigantic grin was still stuck on his face. He stuck his tongue out and licked the buttom half of his lips as he took a step towards me. I gulped hard and used my palms to crawl backwards. Each step he took forward, I took one backwards... That until I felt Calum's knee press against my back.

"Oh, honey... You think WE are the monsters?" He stopped right in front of me and sat down on one knee. The smirk on his face slowly faded to a serious expression. "The real psychopaths are sitting on those damn chairs behind you and guess what? The BIGGEST monster is in love with you."

His cold eyes refused to leave my own as I felt my chest becoming heavy. Not because he said that Luke and the guys weren't the nicest guys, but the fact that he had the nerve to. 

"How could someone like Luke fucking Hemmings make you fall in love with him? You, an angelic young woman, with him, a cold hearted murderer. Luke, full of lies and tricks. Oh, wait! That's probably how he did it; lies. Do you know what he did? Do you know how many innocent men and women he has killed? Do you---"

"I KNOW!" 

Dave's serious expression turned to a smirk once again. His sickening eyes glanced between my own and refused to make eyecontact with anyone else.

"But I also know why, which you will never understand."

"You don't think I understand? You don't think I know what it feels like to have lost someone important? This whole job puts everyone I love at risk."

"You're not capable of love. Neither is Brad."

Dave let out a chuckle and stood up to his 6'1 height and folded his arms over his chest once again. I tilted my head back and glared at him like I had ben doing since the day I first layed my eyes on him. 

"Darling, once upon a time you loved Brad Gibson."

"I hated that man."

"Then why did you stay with him for all those years?"

The silence filled the room. Dave drilled his eyes deep into mine and I felt the walls creeping in on me. Suddenly it felt like the air was drained from my lungs and I had a hard time breathing. All stupid memories from the past suddenly came back and I didn't know what to say. Why didn't I leave? Well, that's a fucking stupid question to deal with now, but the fucking answer is even more stupid. 

"Because I never thought anyone could be capable of loving me again."

"Exactly, and look who you attracted. Luke fucking Hemmings, the leader of the Australian mafia. Well, that's a downgrade." Dave and the men behind him started to laugh.

"You're right." Suddenly Dave stopped to laugh and looked at me with an unreadable expression. His eyes showed both suprise and curiosity. 

"Luke is a murderer. He is abusive, has anger issues and lacks of humanity." I spoke and took a deep breath. "But he is a good man. Luke is one of the greatest men I have ever met and will ever meet. Luke changed me for the better. Yes he has flaws, but guess what? We all do. Luke has changed. He doesn't want this life. He envy killing innocent people and he would rather give up his own life than seeing his family being tortured. That's the kind of man Luke is and that is the man I am in love with."

Dave clenched his jaw and looked between the floor and the walls for a few good seconds. The frown on his face showed that he was deep in thoughts, or some kind of conflict. Probably about what to do or say next. His teeth started to tug on his buttom lip and within a slip second his eyes were back on me again. His arms let go of each other and he let them both fall down the sides of his body with a sigh.

"He is manupulative. I don't care if Luke has changed for the better or for the worse. All I remember seeing is those hateful blue eyes and all I want to do is hurt him even worse than he hurt me and brad."

Suddenly, Dave grabbed a gun that was stuck to his belt and pointed it at me. My eyes grew large as I tried to back away from Dave and the gun, but the wall that was only a few feeth behind us, stopped me from trying to escape.

"Not so tough now, are we?" He smirked and followed me with the gun as I moved backwards. Once again I felt the blood race through my veins, making my pulse beat 100 times faster. They say that when you are looking death in the eye, your whole life is flashing through your mind. I figured out, it's true.

But, for me, I only had been living for half a year. Why? Because that's when I met Luke.

"How about I do quick and simple, huh? Say this, you come here, open your pretty little mouth and I can put the bullet through your skull from the inside. It's a quick and certain way to die, no one can survive it." 

"Are you out of your mind?" I mumbled through a shaky jaw. Dave chuckled once again and walked towards me once again. I pressed myself against the stone wall as far as I could.

"Maybe, but aren't we all?" 

And so he put his finger on the trigger and held the gun only a few inches away from my face and mouth.


I shook my head and pursed my lips together. Without even knowing, a tear had found it's way down my cheek and the water in my eyes made my vision blurry. Dave let out a quiet growl and I felt him move closer to me. Soon I felt the cold metal press against my lips.


I blinked my eyes a few times in hope of getting rid of the tears, but it only made them appear and run down my face faster. I felt all hope run out of my body and the darkness was taking over the light. Was there another way? I didn't knew.

With a shaky jaw, I opened my mouth.




sorry for errors, I didn't read it through

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2018 ⏰

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