Chapter 18

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I thanked Daesuk before he dropped me off at the hotel and left.

The Banyan Tree Hotel was an enormous building right in the middle of the city.

As I walked in, I noticed everyone dressed up formally, and I was dressed like I just came from a frat party.

I put on my mask and approached the desk clerk, who looked like she was in her 40's, and asked for Jimin.

Her younger coworkers turned their head towards me as I said his name.

"Ah, yes," She whispered and smiled. "Room number one on the twelfth floor."

"Thank you," I whispered and smiled back.

I walked into the elevator and hit the twelve button before anyone else could come in.

I looked into the mirror they provided and fixed myself up. I'll come in neat and I'll come out messy.

Wasn't it funny that I've had sex with Jimin before Jungkook and I have?

This wasn't even necessary about the whole acting thing.

The doors opened and I turned right into a hallway, and I saw the door immediately.

Every door in the hotel was beautifully decorated.

I knocked on the door a few times and it swung open quickly.

"Change of plans," Jimin said, wearing nothing but a silk bathrobe.

His bulge was obvious on that thin material.

"Doesn't seem like it," I said and bit my lip.

I walked inside and grabbed Jimin's robe.

As I walked in, the size of the room appalled me.

Jimin had booked us a suite.

There was a private pool in the room, a full-set kitchen, a dining table, a pool table, and a stocked living room.

Fuck, I'm in the mood.

"Oh, baby," I said and kissed his neck.

He sighed and closed the door behind us.

"Hey, I'm serious," He said, putting his robe back on. "I just got a call from the manager."

I widened my eyes.

News about Jungkook. Oh god, how could I forget that he's still in Bejing?!

"What did he say?" I asked, sitting down on the bed.

Jimin sat down next to me and sighed again.

"He found out about us--well, only about me," He said. "He knows I'm dating someone, but he doesn't know it's you. He's getting suspicious though."

"What else did he say?"

"He, uh," Jimin choked. "He said he's gonna get rid of her--you."

I bit my lip, but not in the sensual way.

"Well he can't if he doesn't know who," I said, trying to look at the bright side. "I say we just fuck until we come to conclusions."

"Linnie, this isn't the time to be referencing Childish Gambino," Jimin said. "This is serious."

"Jimin! He doesn't have evidence! The closest he'll ever get is that your girlfriend is very tan--and so is every teenager in Korea now!"

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