Chapter 2: Girl Talk

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Traveling to the Royal Palace was always a hassle.  There were twelve different checkpoints before getting to the main entrance where you were then escorted by a group of five Royal Guards to the destination you had been cleared for.  Shadoe had been to the palace many times before but this was the first time she was arriving unmasked and as a guest instead of security.  They led her down a long hallway and took her to a set of tall, blue doors.  As soon as the doors opened Shadoe was tackled in a hug by the last person she’d ever expected to show any form of friendly affection towards her.

              “Oh Shadoe! It’s so good to see you!” Rosaline squeezed her tightly.  “I’ve missed you! How have you been? I’m so excited for tonight! We’re going to look fabulous! I heard the Queen will be specially supervising our preparations! Isn’t it wonderful!?” Rosaline babbled on.

              “Rosaline!” Shadoe shouted. “What is wrong with you?”

              “What on earth are you talking about? I’m perfectly fine!” She flashed a blindingly white smile.

              “In the past couple of years we’ve known each other not once have you liked me enough to hug me.”  Shadoe took a wary step back.

              “Oh stop it you! You know I consider you one of my closest most bestest friends!” She hugged her again much to Shadoe’s reluctance.

              “Rosaline, why don’t you let her breath for a moment while I fill her in on tonight’s event?” Ethan came around them and pulled Rosaline off of her.

              “Of course, your highness!” Rosaline batted her eyes and curtsied before fluttering away.  Ethan rolled his eyes and turned to Shadoe.

              “Hey, buddy.” Shadoe smiled through a malicious grin.  “What the heck is she doing here?”

              “I didn’t want Kai to not have a partner for the ball.”

              “And you thought Rosaline was a good choice?” She whispered harshly.

              “I know, I know but after what happened last year I felt bad and wanted to make it up to her.”

              “You know this is going to cause tension between you and Dawn, right?” She whispered.

              “Actually it was my idea.”  Dawn’s voice came from behind them.  They turned to see a group of guards leaving her at the doorway.

              “Really?” Shadoe was taken aback in her surprise.

              “I wanted to start fresh this year after so much drama and loss. It’s hard to find people you can keep as friends.”  Dawn’s eyes fell to the floor with the reminder of Deryk’s fate still fresh in her mind. Shadoe wished she could tell her about the trial but she restrained her urge to comfort her friend.  Ethan walked up to Dawn and squeezed her reassuringly.  No doubt Dawn had told him the situation.  The atmosphere turned depressingly cold and no one was sure how to break through the ice.  That is until Eugene arrived.

              “SHADOE! YOU CAME!” He sprang forward to embrace her but she quickly stepped out of the way causing Eugene to fall flat on his face on the blue carpet. 

              “Yes, Eugene, I’m here.”  Shadoe sighed as Eugene scrambled back up to his feet.

              “We were really worried you weren’t going to come since you weren’t responding to any of our letters.”

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