Chapter 5: Duties of a Cultural Representative

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There was no opening ceremony when they arrived at school.  All of them were sent to their rooms immediately to dry off and rest.  Shadoe couldn't help but worry and stare out the window as the rain beat down on the ground outside.  She had no information about that attack and she wanted to know exactly what it was about.  She had her own theories given the information she already had but it didn't make complete sense.  The more she thought about it the more her wrist throbbed. She had to stop thinking.

Before Dawn came back in the room from her shower, trays of food were sent to each of their rooms along with packets of information about the start of school.  Now that they were third years, they would choose their own classes.  Aside from their core classes of Brewing, Social Magicks, Defense, Spells, and much to Shadoe's dismay, History, which were mandatory there were a great many to choose from.  Shadoe sighed as she went through the packet.  It would serve as a decent distraction for now. She looked up as Dawn came back in the room, drying her hair with a towel.

              "Hey, how are you doing?" Dawn asked with her usual concerned smile.   Shadoe looked to her.  She couldn't talk about it. Talking about it would only worry her and make her wrist her more. 

              "Uh, they dropped off the orientation packets just now.  We should look into what electives to take this year."  She sat down on the ground and began looking through the papers ignoring whatever expression Dawn was giving her.  She sat down with Shadoe and went over the classes.  After about an hour of looking through them she laid on her back on the floor.

              "I can't decide what to take."  Dawn sighed.  

              "Well, if you want to continue your Esper training I'd suggest keeping Divination and Astrology."

              "We still need two more even with those." 

              "Uh," Shadoe looked over the list.  "How about a language course?"

              "But which language?  I don't think I'd like Goblin and Mer is two difficult of pronunciation. It's a shame they don't offer Rimani."

              "You want to learn Rimani?"  Shadoe looked up at her in confusion.

              "Well yeah, I like the way it sounds.  I like to listen to you and Mandragora talk."  She smiled. 

              "Well you could take Languages of Wild People.  It's more of a study of the grammar and history rather than learning the language but you'd be exposed to Rimani, Draconi, and even Belanban."

              "What does Belanban sound like? I've never heard Kai speak it."

              "It's a lot sharper than Rimani.  Rimani has a more fluid and connected feel whereas Belanban is more clear-cut. For example, 'hello' in Rimani is “Ja’hansa” but in Belanban it's 'Jaha'. Faster, sharper." 

              "They seem pretty similar though."

              "That's one word out of an entire language." 

              "Ok, how do you say 'how are you' in both?"  Dawn asked.

              "In Rimani it's 'Kalik netti'?"

              "And in Belanban?"

              "Neti ka?"

              "Still sounds similar."

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