Chapter 15: Blindsided

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Shadoe peered around the corner of the school as she hid behind the foliage around her, surveying the positions of the Ikkibu.  She had to get around them without them seeing her, possibly taking out a few of them to prevent them from entering the school. Slipping her hand into her pocket she pulled out a small box, no larger than a thimble.  Waving her hand over it it enlarged and unlocked, revealing a stash of potions and talismans.  Grabbing a small amber bottle she reduced the box to its miniature size and tucked it away.  She tore a vine off the side of the school and waved her hand over it, the vine trembled in her grasp until it obeyed her commands.  She dripped the potion over it stalk, tainting its thorns. 

              Holding the vine in her hand like a whip she stepped out into the open and prepared to strike.  The Ikkibu noticed her presence and rushed at her shooting deadly curses and spells her way.  Shadoe deflected and evaded their attempts to incapacitate her and extended the vine around in the air, catching on their legs and drugging them one by one into a paralytic status until the ground was silent.  She dropped the vine on the ground; it would do her no good against Teras, and bolted into the woods. Her time was running out and Eugene and Rosaline couldn’t wait much longer.

              Her eyes scanned the forest, looking deeper and further ahead for any sign of life.  She stopped and looked around, they couldn’t have been much further.  She kneeled down and put her hands to the ground, feeling the vibrations in the soil. She could feel the worms burrowing beneath her, the scampering of chipmunks and rabbits in the distance, an owl capturing a mouse for dinner.

              Shadoe’s eyes shot open as she spun around and bent backwards evading a bright flash of lightning.  When she jumped back up she saw Caveral, poised for another attack with a wide grin of insanity across his face.  Two feet behind him was Rosaline and Eugene, tied and gagged to separate trees. 

              “I’m so glad you came, Zero. I’ve missed you.” He spoke, cocking his head to the side and scanning her up and down confirming that it was in fact Zero who stood before him and not an imposter.  “I hope you don’t mind, I brought guests.”

              “Where’s Teras?”  Shadoe asked.

              “Aw, is that any kind of a greeting for your old friend?” Shadoe growled at him, waiting for the opportunity to strike him down and save her friends.  “Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll see him soon after I’m through with you. He’s been looking forward to killing you for a long time. Agent Zero, the perpetual pain in the ass. It’s my fault really, I did train you after all.”

              “Too bad you didn’t stick around to see how dangerous I really can be.” 

              “Oh come now, you’re not a little happy to see me? I’ve been dying to see you, especially behind that mask of yours. Come on, take it off.”  Shadoe held her ground, not moving and preparing to fight him.  “Take it off before I rip it off of your face, Zero.”  He warned sternly, like an older brother ordering his sibling around.

              “I’d like to see you try.”  Shadoe growled.  Caveral smirked before shrugging with a loose grin and lunging for her.  Shadoe whipped her hands around, striking him with whirlwind of leaves.  He rebounded off of the attack like a squirrel jumping through trees and sent flames down the center of his path.  Shadoe jumped out of the way before they could singe her, blocking another attack of lightning as she dodged.  She ran up the trunk of a tree, flipping into the air and opening her arms to open a crack in the earth beneath Caveral.  Unfortunately he jumped up at her and grabbed her, knocking them both to the ground to wrestle their way through the fight. 

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