Chapter 11: Turned Tables

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When consciousness had decided to return to Shadoe she could hear people around her talking. She deduced that it was late at night given their whispers and the sound of crickets outside the window.  Even before she opened her eyes she knew it was dark in the clinic of the school. She didn’t want to open them yet as she discerned who it was in the room with her.  She recognized Mr. Slithers’ tone of disapproving father but the other voice she wasn’t sure who it belonged to. At first she had thought it was Eugene only this voice was deeper and more mature.

              “You can’t take her away now.  It’s too risky. If he doesn’t know now, he definitely will if you remove her.”  The voice said. 

              “It has been decided, Agent Wright, she cannot remain here.”

              “What will you tell her friends, then?  The Crown Prince? Do you really think he won’t find out?”

              “They will mourn her death but her life is with the Flying Castle.”  Shadoe’s eyes snapped open as she sat up abruptly.  She went to speak but was shocked as she saw the man with her boss quickly attempt to hide his identity with the shadowed transformation of an agent but not in time enough for Shadoe to miss Eugene’s face fade into the shadow. 

              “What are you talking about?”  Shadoe growled at her boss pushing aside the thought that Eugene was actually an agent of the Flying Castle.

              “Shadoe, calm down. You need to save your strength.” Mr. Slithers pushed her back down and dismissed Eugene who quickly left the clinic. 

              “You’re not taking me out of here. Not after everything. I’ve worked so hard to do the normal thing, you don’t just take me out because you screwed up on security!” Shadoe shouted back. 

              “Shadoe, it is too dangerous now. If he comes back here-”

              “He’ll kill everyone in the school.  I have to be here when he comes again and he will. I have to be here to protect everyone. It’s my fault that he came here, the damage he’s done, it’s on me! I’m not running away from it I’m meeting him head on!”

              “Shadoe!” Mr. Slithers sat down on the bed next to her.  “We can’t risk losing you in this fight.”

              “We can’t risk him winning it either.  I’m strong. You know I am.  I’m different.  You said so yourself. I was just stabbed with a poisoned dagger and yet I’m still here.” Shadoe pointed at the dagger where it still sat on the nightstand. “I’m still going to fight whether it’s under the Flying Castle’s instruction or not.”  Mr. Slithers looked taken aback but his expression softened to understanding.

              “Sometimes I underestimate what you can do. You may think you’re different or that something is wrong with you but in reality, you’re a miracle.” Mr. Slithers reached up and stroked her face with his thumb. “Alright, what do you propose?” 

              “I stay here, as planned, I go through the motions of normal girl but I get to be informed on any activity you have heard about. I want the upper hand. You get a lead, I get to go in.”

              “With back-up.”  He warned.

              “With back-up.” She agreed and held out her hand.  He sealed their agreement but as their hands parted his expression moved to a solemn regret.  “What?”

              “If you want to know all the information we have to talk about what happened a week ago.”

              “A week ago? I’ve been out a week?”

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