Chapter 4: Breach in the Hull

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After the attack at the ball the group was given limited information, much to Shadoe’s discomfort.  The only thing the king and queen told Ethan was that the situation had been handled and to enjoy the rest of his vacation with his friends before school.  This left Shadoe feeling edgy and nervous.  She was getting more and more pain on her wrist from her constant reflexes to check the room’s safety but thankfully no one in her group of friends had noticed her strange behavior.  They passed the days touring the castle and using the many luxuries of the royal life.  Shadoe spent much of her time trying to stick with Dawn and Rosaline in an attempt to not only avoid whatever strange emotions arise around Kai and also to avoid Ethan’s enthusiastic cousin, Lord William.  Unfortunately, the young lord, was as Eugene put it “a persistent playboy panting for pretty girls” and often followed them around.  Despite her traumatizing incident at the ball, Rosaline could not stop babbling about the Miss Magical Misses Beauty Pageant.  Shadoe was surprised to see that Dawn was just as excited one day whilst they were all out in the courtyard. 

              “Only twenty contestants are chosen for the competition! Isn’t it exciting?”  Rosaline squealed.  “And I’m one of them!” 

              “I hope I make it in, it would be such an honor.  You two are so lucky to have been hand-picked.”  Dawn said looking a little sad.

              “Well I’m sure if you hadn’t been wowing people in the ballroom while she was talking to us you would have been chosen too.”  Shadoe patted her on the shoulder. Dawn nodded.  “And I’m pretty sure if the benefit hadn't been attacked she would have found you later in the evening.  After all, you were the most stunningly looking young lady at the ball.”  Shadoe nudged her making Dawn smile.

              “Now that I can agree with.”  Ethan came over and kissed Dawn on the cheek earning him some playful coos from his friends.  “Oh shush you.”  He walked away.  “Are you sure you girls want to take part in that competition though?”

              “What’s wrong with it?”  Shadoe asked.

              “Nothing is wrong with it! It’s the most amazing competition on earth!” Rosaline defended angrily.

              “I have to agree with Ethan too.”  Eugene stood up.  “It’s a pretty exposing competition.”  He looked at Shadoe with a regretful brow.  Exposing. She thought. What exactly did this pageant entail?

              “Naw, let them participate.” Kai stood up from the fountain bench he had been observing their conversation from. “I’m sure there are hundreds of warlocks around the world who would love to see the girls of Bridgestone Academy dressed in skimpy bathing suits.”  He smirked. 

              “Oh hush you! We don’t even know if there is a bathing suit competition this year! The categories change every year for the pageant.” Rosaline crossed her arms in defense.

              “Uh-huh, each category becomes more revealing than the one before.”  Eugene sided with Kai. Revealing. Shadoe thought, this was becoming more worrisome than she anticipated.  She shook her head trying to shake the anxiety out of her head.

              “You know I was going to ask one of you to be my escort for the event but if this is your attitude towards it I want nothing to do with you!” Rosaline huffed and folded her arms before dramatically turning away.

              “Escort?” Shadoe asked and Rosaline turned back aroud.

              “Yeah, each contestant needs a male escort for the promenading during the competition.”

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