Chapter 8: Ways of My People

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It was the last day of first semester which meant the first installment of the SMETs.  All third year students were rounded up in the auditorium by Mr. Watkins and Mrs. Spohn for it.  The test was done mainly written but one by one they would be called by Mr. Watkins for a practical spells evaluation.  They sat with Khelfan during the exam who wished her luck before Mrs. Spohn told them they could open their test packets.  In Shadoe’s mind the questions were simple and based on magic she had mastered when she was eight.  Instead of answering everything correctly she decided it was best to follow a pattern.  Right, right, wrong, right.  That way she would get a passing score but fall within average levels as she had been advised.  She also tried to pace herself by following the rhythms of those around her.  She waited about five to seven seconds before marking down the answer on multiple choice and take ten to fifteen before essay questions. 

              About three-quarters through the test Shadoe felt something strange.  She looked over to Dawn who was sitting two rows down with Ethan and Eugene. She was scribbling down answers normally but Shadoe waited.  The room fell silent and all the energy was being pulled towards Dawn.  Dawn suddenly straightend her back and her body stiffened.  She was having a vision.  Ethan and Eugene both noticed but they were scolded by Mrs. Spohn when they tried to touch her.  Mrs. Spohn had not realized Dawn wasn’t thinking, she was seeing. 

              When the vision subsided Dawn let out a huge breath that echoed in the hall. Everyone stared at her but she tried to cover it up with a cough.  Dawn looked back at Shadoe who mouthed to ask if she was alright but Dawn just looked at her with worry.  What had she seen? Was it about her? Did Dawn know who she was now?  She would have to wait for the answers as Mr. Watkins called her for the practical session.  

              “Alright, Shadoe.  I’m obligated to make you perform these spells even though you and I both know this is child’s play.” Mr. Watkins smiled as he shut the door.

              “I’d be happy to do them. What do you got?”  She looked at the table in front of her which held three separate items: a stone, a clock, a wilted flower.

              “Using hand magic, no words.  You must levitate this stone.”

              “Ok.”  Shadoe said playfully and motioned her hand upwards and the stone followed. Mr. Watkins was just about to mark a perfect score when Shadoe let it fall to the floor. 

              “What was that?” He looked confused.

              “To give me average points.” She explained and he nodded with a smirk. 

              “Ok, now with the clock, you must change the appearance of the face.”

              “What am I changing it to?”

              “Whatever you feel like.  You get points for creativity.”  He instructed. 

              “Alright.”  She picked up the clock and put her hand over the face. Closing her eyes she changed the entirety of the clock’s face to a picture of Mr. Watkins’ face with a clown nose, eyes covered in blue eye shadow, and a curling mustache formed by the reshaped hands of the clock.

              “Charming, Shadoe.”

              “I thought so.” She said pleased with her creation.

              “Finally, with the wilted flower.” He placed it in front of Shadoe.  “Without words,”

              “Make it grow again?” He nodded his head.

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