Chapter 6: The Tale of Mr. Watkins

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Friday had finally come and Shadoe had successfully avoided conversing with Kai and the rest of the gang thanks to her many duties as a Culture Representative.  It had been a busy week and she was looking forward to not actually having any classes.  In their place would be four long sessions of study hall.  The third years’ main teachers were Mr. Watkins and Mrs. Spohn which meant they would alternate every other week to spend all day Friday with the third years in the study hall while other teachers rotated for assistance in their studies.  Most of the study hall was dedicated to prep on their exams at the end of each semester which were known as the Standardized Magical Examinations in Triple or more commonly referred to as SMET.  Most of the study hall sessions were centered on reviewing history, knowledge of potions and spells.  Each student would also get one private hour with their head teacher twice a month. 

              Shadoe was worried that Kai or Dawn might take the free time to try and talk about the incident on the sub but much to Shadoe’s delight, the Rimanis students pulled her to their table to receive some tutoring to help catch them up to the level of the school. She was far too busy with them to sit down with her friends.  She did occasionally look up to see Kai watching her until he finally abandoned Dawn, Ethan, and Eugene to assist the Belanbars in the room  From the look on his face, he was upset and Shadoe knew it was with her.  A part of her wanted to go over and talk to him but every time she thought about it another Rimanis student needed her help and distracted her.  Even at lunch she didn’t see them thanks to the Rimanis surrounding her with questions and herding her over to their table to sit with them.  It was very clear now when she looked over to her friends that they were all angry with her. She had gone the entire week without talking to them.  She had made sure to wake up and leave before Dawn and go to sleep early. Even in Divination, where she was usually partnered with Kai, she found herself doing her work with Khelfan instead. The only person outside of the Rimanis group she had talked to was Rosaline when she dragged Shadoe to keep up the façade of best friends for the photographer and Jeanine. 

              “Shadoe.” Mr. Watkins called snapping her out of her thoughts.  He signaled to her to follow him for their private session.  She excused herself from the Rimanis table and walked into his office and shut the door. 

             “So what are we working on?” Shadoe asked as she closed the door. When she turned around she found Mr. Watkins sitting on his chair with a look of smug disbelief. “What?”

              “Shadoe, you and I both know that you don’t need any help on your studies.” He motioned for her to sit down.

              “Sure I do. I’m only a third year, I’ve got a lot of learning to do.”

              “Perhaps but not about potions and spells.” He leaned closer to her.

              “I don’t know what you mean.”  Shadoe lied. Suddenly Mr. Watkins grabbed her wrist.  Shadoe reflexively pulled away and grabbed his arm to throw him across the room.  Shadoe shrieked in pain from the thread which tightened and twisted to remind her of her idiocy.  Mr. Watkins got up and rubbed his arm.

              “When did they slap that on you?”  He sat back down.

              “We shouldn’t be talking about this stuff.”  Shadoe went to leave but the door was gone. 

              “This room is completely secure, Shadoe.  You can say anything in here.”  Shadoe slowly returned to her seat.  He nodded to her wrist which Shadoe was still rubbing.

              “How do you know what it is?” Shadoe’s brow furrowed.

              “I wasn’t always a Brewing teacher, Shadoe.”  Shadoe read the signal in his eyes as she realized he didn’t say anything with his mouth a second ago.

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