Chapter 9: A Question of Blood

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Shadoe knew that the only people who would be able to give her more answers on her past without getting her further in trouble with the Flying Castle were the Hampshires. She waited until the day her friends had agreed to meet to pay their respects to Dawn’s parents and went to see them two hours earlier than they had agreed. The way that Mandragora and Mr. Slithers spoke about her past made her suspicious that it was something very important but knowledge of it was apparently threatening to the Flying Castle. She needed to know why. 

              The sky was gloomy with a promise of rain in the evening. Shadoe had left a note on Mandragora’s table informing her of her destination.  They had not spoken again of the night at Khelfan’s tribe nor of Shadoe’s mother.  She thought it best not to, given the state of worry and fear it had put Mandragora in leaving Shadoe determined to cross her mind into the spirit realm and find answers from the two people in the world that might give her answers.

              The Hampshire’s grave was made of white marble and their names were engraved with a dark green calligraphy reading their birthdays to their end.  Beside each of their name was a small symbol, invisible to those not of the Flying Castle, two hands crossed over a star. It was the symbol of those who died in service to the Flying Castle, the protectors of magic. When Shadoe died she was certain this mark would be on her grave along with the mark of the agents: a black spider with the all-seeing eye on its back. 

              Shadoe sat down in front of the grave and put her hands on the grass beneath her and closed her eyes. She slowed her breathing and focused on penetrating the veil of death to pull them through. She sat for at least half an hour before she felt anything reach from the other side and pull her to the edge to look upon the lost souls of witches and warlocks that all blurred together in faint silhouettes. Only two stood out in the front of the line: Aiden and Regina Hampshire.  They looked so different than what Shadoe remembered. They seemed more at peace. The stress of their job was washed away from their eyes and they shone brighter than Shadoe had ever seen. 

              “Shadoe.”  Regina called with fondness.  “We know what you ask of us.”

              “But we can’t tell you.”  Aiden answered.

              “Why not?” Shadoe trembled. 

              “Because the answer you’re looking for isn’t the one we can give you. You are not who your parents are.  You do not need them to define who you are.”  Regina said softly. 

              “But why can’t I know? If it doesn’t matter than why will no one tell me?”

              “You are an agent of the Flying Castle. An agent gives up all attachments to their lives in order to protect the lives of the masses.” Aiden explained.

              “I’m not attaching. I just want to know. Don’t I have that right?” 

              “You would if you gave up being an agent. Are you prepared to do that?” Regina warned.  Shadoe froze. She hadn’t really felt like an agent recently given her current assignment of not being one. On the other hand, it was all she knew.  Could she give it up? Could she go down the path Mr. Watkins had? Perhaps she would need his advice on the situation.  “Shadoe, I’m sorry we can’t tell you who your parents are but for the safety of Dawn, don’t give it up.” 

              “She needs you to protect her. We all need you in this fight. There is so much to come.”  Aiden cautioned.

              “Like what?”

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