Chapter 10: Imposter

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“As many of you know this year’s Culture Festival is quickly approaching.” Mrs. Underhill explained as an assignment paper floated down the aisles sending one to each student. “As third years it will be your duties to help promote the events to the underclassman.”

“I’m beginning to think third year is all about serving the other grades rather than our own.” Shadoe overheard Kai whisper to Leland and Daniel. As he silently laughed in his seat he noticed Shadoe looking at him.  Shadoe smirked and nodded her head in agreement but Kai’s expression was different. Shadoe wasn’t sure how to describe the smile on his face but she felt heat rise on her cheeks as he did. Quickly looking away she had found a need to catch her breath.  What just happened? She looked over to Rosaline and her words echoed in her mind.

You know, excitement when you see him, electricity when your hands touch, warmth in your heart when you look into his eyes, a blush on your cheeks, forgetting to breathe.

Shadoe couldn’t believe what she was even thinking. She went through all the memories in the last few months and checked off each one that Rosaline had listed as criteria for liking a boy.  Shadoe sunk down in her seat with her new revelation. Never in a million years did Shadoe believe she would feel this way for someone, especially Kai Hawke, a Belanbar…well half-Belanbar.  Relationships had never been allowed for agents. Shadoe knew the rules but she wasn’t an agent right now.  She didn’t know when she would be again.  She glanced over at him again but he was he rummaging in his bag for something when Shadoe realized Mrs. Underhill had asked for everyone to turn in their family histories report, a report Shadoe hadn’t done.  Looking to the clock Shadoe could only hope classes would end before Mrs. Underhill noticed she was missing a paper.  She looked next to her at Dawn and Ethan who had a full report sitting in front of them and they handed them forward to their classmates ahead of them.  Hattie Groomes looked behind her and held out her hand for Shadoe’s paper. Shadoe shook her head and Hattie rolled her eyes before she turned back around as Mrs. Underhill came to their row and noticed the exchange that had never happened.

“See me after class, Shadoe.”  Mrs. Underhill narrowed her eyes sternly before moving to the next row. Shadoe gave a quiet but exasperated sigh. 

Soon everyone was moving to pick up their things but Shadoe stayed still in her seat, waiting to be reprimanded. 

“Do you want us to wait for you?”  Dawn asked with concern in her eyes. Kai walked up to them but she shook her head.

“You go ahead, I’ll meet you for lunch”. Shadoe half-smiled as Dawn, Ethan, and Eugene went to leave. Kai leaned down to her.

“I’ll save you a seat.” His hand brushed her shoulder causing goosebumps to spring up on her arms.  She watched him as he left the room and mentally punched herself for letting these feelings take so much control over her. Luckily she wasn’t given much time to dwell on them as Mrs. Underhill redirected her attention.

“I believe the last time we spoke about this essay you said you’d figure out something.”  She sat down at the large cherry desk in front of the room.

“Yeah, I figured I couldn’t do it.” Shadoe smartly answered.

“Couldn’t or wouldn’t?”  Mrs. Underhill put her hands together on the desk with an inquisitive gesture. 

“Both.” Shadoe shrugged.

“Shadoe, you’re a very bright girl.  I don’t want to give you a zero on something I know you can do.” Shadoe groaned as she stood up and walked to Mrs. Underhill’s desk.

“Look, I can’t do the assignment.  I tried, I did but I really don’t know who my parents are and I have no means of finding out.”

“But there must be records of your birth.” She cocked her head to the side.  “You may be adopted but your guardians would know. I could send them a letter to help you with the assignment.”

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