Chapter 12: Revelations

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Shadoe did not meet Kai that evening.  She didn’t join the others in the library either. Instead she poured over the notes in the file she had received in Jackson Hunter’s old office in secrecy. She discovered that Teras had continued in his search for her identity with multiple break-in attempts at the Flying Castle, thankfully unsuccessful.  He also had been terrorizing many museums and archaeologists.  Shadoe was uncertain of the connection if there even was one but it appeared he still had yet to find what he is looking for.  Shadoe attempted contacting Jackson Hunter again but there had been no sign of him.  Either something went wrong in Italy or he was enjoying his vacation with his colleagues a great deal. 

              Shadoe avoided Kai, only seeing him in the group at mealtimes but never alone.  Classes were to resume soon once they had found a replacement for Mr. Coraggio who was taking a leave of absence since the attack.  Shadoe dreaded thinking of Psychic Arts and the opportunity Kai might seize to speak to her about her behavior.  She still hadn’t come up with a decent cover story other than “sorry, I can’t like you anymore because I’m a secret agent and romance isn’t allowed”.

              The stress she now felt was not only becoming apparent in her daily life as she became consumed by working alone in the hidden office but also in her subconscious and she was certain her friends were noticing. It was unavoidable as she shared a room with Dawn and Shadoe was not doing well with sleeping.  Her nights were restless as her dreams were filled with the nightmare of Caveral and his poisoned dagger, Teras and his vicious grudge, and the denial of her own feelings towards Kai.  Eugene had informed her in secret that they often spoke of her and the theories her friends had come up with about her behavioral change.  Ethan was convinced it might still be the affects from the poison while Dawn believes it to be deeper than that. None of them knew what to do about it and Shadoe was glad to keep it that way.  Unfortunately, she could not avoid the confrontation forever. 

              Shadoe had awoken in a cold sweat once again.  It was three in the morning and Dawn was wide awake, staring at her from across the room as she sat on her bed seemingly waiting for this moment. 

              “Bad dream?” She asked. Shadoe swallowed her shame and replaced her fear from the nightmare with the mask of her usual tough exterior.

              “No big deal.” Shadoe stood up. “Just need to get some water.”

              “Stop right there.”  Dawn demanded sternly, freezing Shadoe in her tracks.  “What is going on with you?”

              “Nothing, I’m fine.” Shadoe argued unconvincingly.

              “You haven’t slept through the night since you got out of the hospital.  You avoid your friends and especially Kai who by the way deserves to at least hear an explanation if you don’t feel the same way he does about you.”  She folded her arms and growled.  “I demand to know what is wrong with you.”

              “I reserve the right to not tell you.  It’s none of your business.” Shadoe snarled back.

              “None of my business? NONE of my BUSINESS?!” Dawn jumped up from the bed and shoved Shadoe back.  “How dare you! I thought we were best friends, Shadoe! What happened to that?” 

              “Just leave it alone, Dawn! For your own good!”

              “No! You don’t know what’s good for me or not! You’re not my boss you’re my friend!” Dawn snapped back. “Although I’m starting to doubt you understand what that means!”

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