Chapter 14

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Just a quick time lapse the boys were born in November sometime and it has been six months so the time is now like June which is josephs birthday. Flowers birthday is in August. Harry's birthday just passed and yeah...... I AM SOOOOO SORRY FOR NOT POSTING IN SOOOOO LONG. I HAVE BEEN IN COLLEGE AND IT IS STRESSFUL, BUT I AM BACK AND IM BETTER AND I MISSED YOU GUYS. 💕 BTW check out my story titled, "Fixing Him." I started it over from the very beginning because I hated it but it's better now!!!

"Alright my number and Harry's number are on the fridge if anything happens," I tell Gemma.

"Flower go you're going to be late," she tells me.

"I know I just, I'm stalling," I admit.

"I know you are," she tells me. "I have two children of my own and I am perfectly capable of watching your two." Joseph went away to Anne's for the weekend and I have a meeting with some painting clients today. I also am beginning to start my art classes again, just because I miss being out of the house. I have been at home with the boys for almost six months and I feel like it's time to let them blossom. Joseph is having his birthday party tomorrow and I have to make sure everything is set up at the place he chose.

"Okay I'm leaving," I say. The boys are in the play area crowding around and I walk in to tell them good bye. They have grown so much over the past couple of months. Both of them are extremely long and big for only six months (thanks to Harry's incredibly height); people always mistake them for older. I lean down and get kisses from them both, because they understand what it means to give kisses.

"Bash give mommy kisses," I tell Sebastian. He grabs both sides of my faces and kisses me.

"Jebby come here love and give mummy kisses," I tell him and he does. He cries when I turn to leave and it breaks my heart, but Gemma urges me to go.

"Alright Harry should be home around six or seven," I say. "Cal if you need anything I don't care what it is; I will answer."

"I know I've got this bye," she says and closes the door. I walk out to the garage and get into my car and drive to Monkey Joes, which is the kids play park that Joseph wants to have his party at. I walk inside and I see that everything is being cleaned out for the party. Harry bought out the fucking place for the whole day today and tomorrow. Friday is for them to clean and Saturday is for them to play until they are tired, then he told Joseph all of his friends could stay over at our house. Yayyyy...

"Hi I'm Flower Styles," I say. "There is a party here tomorrow for Joseph Styles and I am just making sure things are alright here."

"Everything is great ma'am we decorated everything and we are excited for tomorrow," he says.

"Great," I say we talk a while longer before I head down to the studio. I started taking classes at Uni again to finish my degree. I never really dropped out, I just used my super rich father and got him to write me a very good absence of leave note, so I can reenroll when I was ready. I have about six months of school left. I feel so young for a mother of three. I am not even 21 until next month, yet I have three children, a house, I'm one of the most well known patterns in America, and I have met the man I want to be with for the rest of my life. Nothing could go wrong. 😏 (or could it...)

I pull up to the studio and go inside and see Layne working the counter.

"Ma'am I'm going to need you to lower your voice she isn't in yet," he argues. He looks over to me and rolls his eyes. "Actually she just walked in please hold while I transfer your call."

"Guess that means I need to go get that," I say.

"Please that women is an enigma," he says. I jog down to my back office and answer the phone. A woman is calling me about painting a portrait of her son and his wife for their wedding gift.

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