Chapter 12

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I wake up pain in my stomach once again. The doctor comes inside with Harry.

"Is it time for them to come
Out yet," I ask.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about you are at 10 centimeters and we would like you to start pushing," he says. As they get everything set up I get another contraction.

"Harry come here," I cry. He comes to my side and grabs my hand. He is dressed in a doctors delivery uniform.

"You can do this ba-"

"Shut up ohhhh," groan.

"Alright Mrs. Styles we want you to sit up and push," he says. I take a deep breath and push.

"Alright that's enough hold it," he says. I am Completely out of breath and that is my first push.

***Forty five minutes and several pushes later***

"We can see the head," the nurse shouts.

"Alright we need one more push. A big one," the doctor says. I take a deep breath and push.

"Ahhhhhhhhh," I scream and cry. I feel the baby slide out and I hear him cry. I cry some More at the sound of his cries. Harry goes over and cuts the  umbilical cord and holds the baby.

"I love him," I say out of breath.

"One more Mrs. Styles," the doctor says. I begin to push again. This one doesn't hurt as much but it still hurts. I feel my second baby slide out and wait for him to cry. But he doesn't.

"What's wrong why isn't he crying," I say. I can feel myself about to pass out.

"The umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck-"

"Oh god no no no," I cry. "Let me see him I want him." I begin to shout. The nurse comes over and sedates me with something and I fall back on the bed.

"Harry help the baby," I say before I fall asleep.

I wake up slowly I look next to my bed and see the baby bed empty. I look over to the right on Harry's little couch and see him sitting there with both of our little boys in his arms.

"Haz," I say in my raspy voice. He jumps at first but gets up quickly.

"They are so precious," he says.

"Give me them. I want to hold them," I say already in tears. He hands me the twins and I am in tears.

"Beautiful right," Harry says.

"I- I love Them so much," I say. I kiss their foreheads and smell them.

"They are so beautiful and handsome," I say.

"Like me," Harry says and roll my eyes.

"Sebastian and Jebadiah," I say. I hold
Them a while Longer until The doctor comes to check my vital signs. Harry takes them from my arms and put them in the baby bed beside me.

"Well you're going through a fast recovery," the doctor says. "You Didn't tear or anything so you have a normal sew up."

"That's good," I say. I don't really know what he is talking about so i just go with it.

"Baby everyone was gonna come up and see you but it's a bit small in here," Harry said.

"Have them come one or two at a time," I say.

The next couple of hours my family comes in and out as does Harry's holding and loving the babies. When they leave its time for me to feed and change the boys for the first time. I stand out of the bed and walk over to the changer. I take off Sebastian's clothes and change his diaper . He cries a little.

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