Chapter 5

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David Beckham is Harry's dad btw

I wake up at about nine thirty and Harry's already left for work. I get dressed in zone overalls and a white shirt sleeves crop top. I add my Birkenstocks and put the top half of my hair in a semi bun so that way it's out of my face. I add my glasses and one of Harry's scarves around my head and I'm ready to go. I have my first day of art class today and I'm so excited. Lots of people have enrolled into my classes and I'm super excited. I knocked on Laynes door and he answered surprisingly.

"Ready sugar plum," I ask.

"Of course darling," he tells me. We walk with my arm looped through his to the parking lot and drive to the shop. I see the store Come into my view and I can Barley sit still.

"Hurry up and park Laylay," I say calling him the horrible nickname.

"Stop it Flo," he says back and I scrunch up my nose. My first class is a bunch older kids a bit younger than maybe fifteen to seventeen years old.

"Alright thank you guys for coming I'll see you all tomorrow at the same time," I say. They all pass in their art work and I think they are all wonderful. Art is about expression not perfection so I don't critique them I encourage them.

"Flower the last class is coming back now," he says. I turn around and in walks a bunch of little kids ranging from four to seven or eight years old.

"Hi class welcome," I say.

"Good afternoon," they all say and take a seat.

"My name is Sunflower and you guys can call me Flower or Sunny or Ms. Flower," I say.

"Um Ms. Flower are you having a baby," a little girl in the back of the class asks.

"Yes I'm having two babies actually; two little boys," I tell her.

"Awwwww that's so cute," she says.

"Thank you darling," I say. "Alright today lets get to know each other a bit and then I want you guys to paint me your master piece." We go around the room and everyone shares their name and age and their favorite thing to do. Once we finish I allow them to go ahead and start painting. I walk around the classroom and I notice one boy in the back off by himself not painting. I think his name is Joseph.

"Hi Joseph," I say.

"H-Hi Ms. Sunflower," he replies.

"Hi sweetie what's wrong," I ask him.

"N-nothing I'm j-just very sh-shy," he says. "M-mommy says cl-class will h-help me."

"There's no need to be shy sweetie we are all friends here," I say. "I know someone who can help you." I go over to the prettiest little blonde haired blue eyed and very out spoken girl in my class.

"Hi Cindy you know Joseph," I ask.

"Yes he lives in my neighborhood and we go to school together, but he doesn't talk much," she says.

"That's because he is shy. I think you should go over and be his friend so he won't be so shy anymore," I say. "You wanna move your seat there?"

"Yes," she tells me. I slide her easel over next to Joseph. They instantly start talking and I smile to myself. It's about five thirty and class is over at six. I collect the students art again and hang it all to dry. Once class is over everyone walks out. Layne starts cleaning up the teens classroom and I start to clean the room I'm in now. I'm almost finished wiping table when I feel some hands wrap around my waist and they hold my belly. I instantly know who it is.

"Your dungarees are sexy," Harry says.

"Dungarees excuse me you Brit this is America we call them overalls," I tease.

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