XI: Hallucinate

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Dark Times

Chapter 11

Song: Sirens - Fleurie

Katerina L. Wild

I was still astounded when I began to descend the stairs, alone, and with all eyes on me. They were all surprisingly wearing masks, and I wondered why Harry hadn't given me one too.. But I didn't care by this point if people knew who I was, I honestly thought Harry would come down with me - I don't know why - so I kept thinking who he'd come down with...

Perhaps Eloise...

But Eloise was far.. Then who?

When I reached the bottom of the stairs, a hand shot out and took mine. He also wrote a mask. But his eyes reminded me of someone I was desperately trying to forget... Damien..

He pulled me towards him, and his breath was by my ear. "Ms. Wild, I was sent by Mr.Styles to stay with you tonight. He says it's not safe for you out here."

Even his voice reminded me of Damien. I nearly gasped.

"I don't need his protection. I'm perfectly able to take care of myself." I scoffed, pulling away from him, and moving towards the crowd of people that stood with glasses in their hands as they sucked each other's pretend awesomeness.

Right when the man stepped next to me, there was a small ring of a bell, and everyone, including me, turned to look at the stairs where a man stood.

"Presenting," the man said, "Mr. Harry Styles, and Ms. Stella Preston." He continued, and my brows furrowed in confusion.


Who the fuck is Stella?

Harry appeared first, with the same look as he had when he came into my room. But he was not what I was looking at; I was gawking at the drop dead gorgeous woman walking beside him down the stairs.

We all were.

She was gorgeous, even prettier than Eloise, way more elegant than me, just completely breathtaking. And it hurt.

I don't know why, but it hurt, and I was sure it was visible because a hand came and clasped itself around mine. I looked at my "bodyguard."

When they came down, both of them without masks, if I may add, Harry didn't even look my way as he and Stella walked towards a group of gentlemen.

The other men in Harry's team.

They all of course completely gawked at the girl.

I sulked even more.

"I need a drink." I murmured, very quietly, and walked towards the open bar. There were already drinks placed in trays on the bar, and without a doubt I took a hold of one of the Henny shots and drowned it completely. Followed by another... And then another...

"Katerina what the hell are you doing." The bodyguard came, taking a whole of the drink in my hand and putting it down.

"Are you trying to make my job harder or something? Please don't drink." He groaned, and I pushed him away.

"Listen, I don't give a flying fuck who you are or why he has you following me around, but I would really appreciate it if you kindly went to the men's room and shoved your head up your ass."

I walked past him, already feeling the effect of the alcohol and wobbling slightly. I felt dizzy. A hand found itself around my waist and I was pulled into someone's chest. I froze.

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