VII: Stuck

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Dark Times

Chapter Seven

Song: High by the Beach - Lana feel Rey


Then I went over to him, and reached out for his hand, I guess he thought I wanted to get down but I pulled on his hand and he managed to climb the steps up to where I was. I couldn't tell if he was confused or too lost in lust to realize what was happening. The girls that were dancing on the chair moved away as I sat him on it and straddled him this time.

   I could hear some men complain, "Marty you never let us on stage!"

    I began to move on his lap and I guess that got him out of the trance because his hands began to touch at my sides until planting firmly against me.

      "I'm going to fuck you through a wall if you keep this up I swear to god." He cussed under his breath as his head sank down to my neck. "You're so fucking sexy."

        And then I stopped, and looked into his eyes, my lips inches for his who yearned badly to claim mine. I leaned in, out of breath, and when we were about to meet while looking straight into his eyes I heard the sound of a gun shot.

    And then multiple amounts of them. And then screams. And while the others ran and Harry and I scrambled to stand up, I saw the gun pointed at us, ready to shoot. Before I knew what was happening my hand was in Harry's back pocket -where I saw him put his gun before we left- and I  had already shot three bullets, the first managing to get his gun to drop. They all hit the shooter at once.

One in the hand.

One in the head.

One in the heart.

     Katerina L. Wild

       When the last shot was fired I felt Harry look at me with astonishment and I raised from his lap quickly, getting on one knee and shooting yet another man who appeared through the chaos of people. They tables started to flip as people ran chaotically around the place.

  All the while, more men appeared and Harry roared for his men to join him. He lunged for my gun and I gave him a look. "I'm trying  to help you, fucker. I'm not doing anything." I yelled over the panic, and held it tight between my fingers. This could also be my way out.

   More men entered the French doors I got the first one right away, Harry's men got the others that came in.  I could hear more shots outside and I knew we wouldn't be enough to stop them. "We need to get out of here!"

   They began to scramble back as the shots approached us, and they turned towards the back. "What do we do Harry?" One of  them asked, the room was emptying and there were only scattered bodies or some trying to find the way out. I spotted Marty by the back door who looked wildly around.

  "Harry!" He yelled, "Come this way!"

      And Harry looked at the door before grunting and turning back towards Marty. "Let's go Katerina." He grabbed the top of my arm and I yanked it back.

   "You go, I'll hold them up." I argued, grabbing his hand from my arm and forcing it away venomously.

     He approached me until we were face to face and then he very menacingly told me "Right, so you can escape? There's no way, you fucking do what I say."

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